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For the past couple weeks since what happend in the base and what happend between Angela and I. I've been ignoring her and being quiet whilst she kept on checking me and i found it annoying me. Since that event happend, we have now separated room from each other. I distant myself from the others and having an uncontrollably anger issue. Every time someone's  talking about it I frankly get angry, face red as tomato, a hatred expression from what happen. The only thing that keeping me away from talking a leave from overwatch were my mates in SAS. My friends kept telling me that 'it's alright, it's just a misunderstanding.' Like how could it be a misunderstanding? By the expression in her face that night, she is actually not worrying about every single thing in her background, even some people saw it.

6:00 am

I'm currently running laps around the facility. Today is a bit foggy and have a grayish clouds above me. While jogging, in the distance, I saw the mark that I put at the start. I finally finished the long jog. I entered the facility and walk along the dark, cold corridors. Along the corridors is a woman walking towards me. I can't see her face because of the dim lights illuminating the girl. I slowly walked straight as I was like 'nothing to see here' look. The space between us are getting narrower every step we both take. Out of the blue, the figure suddenly stop and looked at me for a second. In my mind I was like "Oh sh*t, please don't. I just watched 'scary stories to tell in the dark last night."  Yes, I am gonna shit myself. I know it sounds weird being a high class military man who is scared about a scary film. But jump to conclusions, it is Angela. The girl who was walking along the dim lighted corridor. She's standing still without any movement and staring at my (E/C). However, I just walked past her without saying anything, emotionless.

3rd Person

"Y/N, do you have a second?" She said in a sad tone. Y/N just stopped still where he is, giving Angela a sign to approach him. Except of Angela approaching him, she stopped with their backs turned opposite each other. " I'm sorry about what happen, I just got carried away because of stress, before you made it at the place, I was helping people with worse injury and one of them is Genji." She paused for a second. "Genji was barely alive in that time, he got shot down by tons of bullets going towards him, trying to deflect but there were lots of bullets hit him. He was on a brink of death and after I stabilized him he jolted up and kissed me." She continued while crying. "And you've enjoyed it" Y/N replied in a cold manner. "I can see it, when were there. People were looking at you, you didn't even pull-out when you saw me and what did you do? YOU just continued kissing him." Y/N finished his sentence with tears in his eyes. "I shouldn't be crying right now, its just a waste of time." He said coldly. Y/N started to walk along the corridor and Angela kneel in defeat crying her life out.

Timeskip Afternoon


It is currently afternoon right now, waiting for Commander Morrison to arrive. He was assigned to a field mission and he will be here anytime soon. I am currently waiting for him outside his office to ask a holiday leave alone, if he doesn't agree with this I might go AWOL or transfer to SAS. I am currently daydreaming, thinking about what should I do. Should I start working with SAS again or Mercenary work?. (A/N: Decide which one, if have something just comment.). Out of the blue, Morrison arrived with a grumpy face, approaching him in a disrespectful manner is out of the option. He barged in his office and sat down in his sit and took a deep breath. "What do you want Y/N? He started the conversation calmly. "Sir, I am here to ask you something." I replied. "And what would that be?" He followed with a smirk. " Sir, can I have a month leave sir." I said to Morrison. Out of nowhere, Morrison got angry and started shouting. "What? You are requesting a leave?! Soldiers like us don't take leaves in work. We stay active until the end." He said shouting towards me. "Sir, with all due respect. This is a personal reason." I replied in a calmly manner. "Personal reason my A*s. Hear this out kid, you're under my wing now. So you work for me or you're done." Morrison replied with venom in his voice. " I ain't signed up for this sh*t! Be one of your lap dogs like everyone else here. Well you know what my answer is!" I ended the conversation with an anger inside me.

Overwatch Mercy x Male! Reader : A Modern Warfare mashup (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now