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3rd person

After the transformation, every single overwatch assets congratulate Ana, Angela and Y/n for a succesful operation. After the operation, Y/n and Angela decided to move in together in same room.

(This is the room, where you are going to live, just imagine it's in a cliff because it's in watchpoint Gibraltar)

Y/n started to put his random things in boxes. He separated his random things from important things. That includes the old uniform from SAS, dogtags, picture of Y/n and Angela in a date and most importantly the picture of the task force 141 before you left the SAS base.
You started to wonder.....


(In mind)
Should I call them? I hope they are doing great and well. I should probably call them.

*Grabs phone and calls Soap*

Soap: Oi mate, gladly you called us! I heard that you're bloody buff now, ehh?

Y/n: Yeah mate, I'm so glad that I called you. I hope the force is doing well.

Soap: Yeah mate, new recruits coming from police and army, five of 'em and all operations are going well.

Y/n: That's good! Glad I called you! Aight I'm gonna do something, okay? Just say hi for me to Price and Macmillan.

Soap: Yeah mate! Cheers!


I ended the call with Soap and I'm glad that the force is doing well.

*knocks from the door*

Y/n: Com'in

Angela: Oh hi Y/n, you ready to transfer your things?

Y/n: Yes.

3rd person

Y/n and Angela carried the boxes to their penthouse. Angela opened the door and Y/n is jaw-dropped and awe in his face.

Y/n: This is NICE!

Y/n ran around like a kid, trying to check every single corner in the room. He check their living room, kitchen, bathroom and finally the bedroom (he also saw boxes because Angela haven't unpacked yet). Y/n lay down, dropping his body in a soft heavenly feeling mattress, Angela just smiles at Y/n and suddenly laughs.

Y/n: Why are you laughing?

Angela: Your acting like an excited kid who woke up in Christmas morning and dig for gifts under the Christmas tree.

Y/n: You know, I could be a little kid when I'm amazed in things!

Angela: Yes I know, let's just take a bath and sleep. I'm actual exhausted and sleepy right now.

Y/n: Agreed, let's just unpack tomorrow.

Y/n and Angela take a shower at the same time. They are having some pleasure inside the bathroom while taking a bath. You can hear moans and 'fuck me hard' or 'iyyyaaaahhh' or 'harder' (no lemons, it's no nut November). After they finished the shower, Y/n carried Angela in bridal style while naked to the bed. They cover themselves with comforter, talk to each other and drift of to sleep.

1 am

Sirens are blaring, people shouting, broken walls and doors, fog of smoke filling the air. All of a sudden, gunshots blaring in the mess hall, fighting for dominance between two teams. Every moment, the fight is getting intense.

Meanwhile, in the communication room.

(OWS: Overwatch Specialist)

OWS 1: Any station, any station! This is Overwatch command, we are under attack by an uknown forces! I repeat,  we are under attack by an unknown forces! Send some help!

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