Girls Football Team

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Girls Football Team: Stan x Reader 


 "Just throw that facking ball!"a little red haired boy ran as hard as he could, waiting for a blond haired boy to throw the ball at him. The blond one throw as hard and far as he could and the red haired one caught it flawless. 

"Kyle! Kyle! Over here!"a raven haired boy ran a few miles in front of the red haired boy, Kyle. Kyle swung his arm as hard as he could, causing the ball to fly into the air and land in the raven haired boy's hand. He ran with the ball passed the last line.

"Fuck yeah! Touch down!"he yelled happily.

"Yay! Stan whoehoe!"the other boys screamed.

"Great work boys! Training is over, go get dressed and I will see y'all next week!"the coach yelled to the boys from the side of the field. The boys all walked off the field to their dressing room. 

"You did great, Stan, it's clear why you are the team captain" Kyle patted Stan on the back. The two  had been best friends since they were babies. Soon other boys praised Stan and his good work. The boys got dressed and went home. Stan, Kyle and their friends Eric and Kenny, were standing on the side of the road, waiting for their ride home.

"Y'know what, Stan? You're too good to play with us"Kyle said.

"Will you guys stop it? It was just a practise, I wasn't that good and I couldn't have done it without you and the others" Stan was a very nice and modest yound man.

"Okay okay"Kyle chuckled. It was quiet for a second as the boys stood there waiting. 

"Hey, isn't that Wendy?"Eric asked, pointing at a group of girl walking towards them. "And Bebe, Red, Annie, Lizzy, Heidi...."

"Ow God, she probably needs something"Stan sighed. The girls stopped in front of the boys, Wendy at front.

"Stan? Ow, so you do have time for your stupid ass friends, but you can't even reply to my message?"Wendy started. 

"W-what do you mean?"Stan asked. It was not that he was 'scared' of his girlfriend. He just was afraid of saying something wrong that would make his girlfriend angry and break up with him. Why he was still with her, was a mystery. His friends often asked him and Stan couldn't answer. He didn't love Wendy anymore, he thought she was pretty at the beginning, but when he really got to know her, he changed his mind. She is very controlling and manipulative. 

"I texted you, an hour ago, fifty times. You were to 'busy' with your friends to notice?"Wendy put her hands on her hips. 

"Wha...I had football practise"Stan explained.

"Ow so now your friends and your sport are more imported than me?"Wendy did that scary thing with her eyes she always did when she was angry. 

"No, I just..."Stan wanted to tell her everything was alright, but Wendy interrupted him. "No Stan! Fuck you! We are done"she flipped him off and walked away with her bitch gang following.

"Dude..."Kyle whispered to Stan.

"Don't worry about it, I'm fine. This is the 3rd time this month she broke up with me, I....don't really like dating her anymore"Stan shrugged.

"No shit! She is a big fat slut!"Eric yelled. 

"Just shut up, Cartman"Kyle commented. 

"Er...Stan? Maybe this is not the right moment, but when is your dad going to pick us up?"Kenny interrupted. 

South Park One Shots Reader x South ParkWhere stories live. Discover now