Chapter 23

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The day after i got back from our old hideout our test subject finally arrived. He was an older man, obviously frightened to be in the presence of Orochimaru. I was often curious as to where he even got his victims, but honestly i wasn't interested enough to ask about it, knowing he would just give some vague answer. I was very excited to distract myself from what had happened with Hidan the other day. I haven't been able to get the entire situation out of my head and it was starting to become rather obnoxious. Sasuke actually got a scratch on my face earlier today as i was too distracted to notice him when he changed directions. He had gloated of his abilities of course, throwing slight barbs my way at times. That is until he noticed that i hadn't thrown any back. He stopped, putting his sword away and walked up to me. "What is wrong? you act as though you are distracted, and I've never known you to be distractible." I looked up at him and sighed. "Don't worry yourself, I was just too deep in thought. I will be fine." I grinned at him and lifted my own sword. "More importantly Sasuke, you have let your guard down near an enemy." And just like that our training continued. 

 We started our experiments the next day and i could tell almost immediately that it wasn't going to be a success. Not that i ever thought that it would succeed. Lasting life is a gods gift, and no god in their right mind would allow it to be recreated by man, myself included. The man was obviously in a lot of pain after an hour or so of us injecting him with the strange elixir that Kabuto had whipped up from the scroll i brought back. Orochimaru sighed, obviously unhappy with the turn the man was taking so quickly. "Kira would you mind watching this man for the rest of the day to see if there are any new developments? I'm going to make arrangements for a few more test subjects to be brought in. It may take a few days though. A shame really, I had hoped that this one would work. This body is beginning to grow weary and i am not convinced that Sasuke's body is complete yet."  I agreed quickly, taking a seat in front of the mans cell and observing as he crawled around on the ground in pain. Rather entertaining yes, but not very distracting. Orochimaru left and the man began begging for help. I simply rolled my eyes and put my chin to rest on my hand. After a few minutes i began to speak aloud to myself. No one would be around to hear me for at least a few hours, not that i cared one way or the other. "Stupid fucking Hidan with his stupid confessions. Who does he think he is? How can you go from ignoring me to acting as though we are so close?! And why did i let it go on as long as i did? I need to consider changing physical forms. This one is getting weak anyway, and maybe a new one will have less of an attraction to that ass." Suddenly the mans cries quieted. I looked up to see the man lying on the ground, obviously no longer breathing. I sighed and wrote down the time of death. I did not leave however, when it comes to Orochimaru's experiments you can never tell if one might come back from deaths door or not. I sat there and griped to myself, watching the old corpse all day. Come nightfall it had become obvious that the man was indeed dead, there would be no revival in his future. I called out the door for someone to come dispose of the body, went and told Orochimaru of our experiments backtrack, and then i walked to my room for a long night of restless sleep.

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