19: Don't let me down

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"YOU ALL ARE DUFFERS! WHO!? WHO TOLD YOU ALL TO GO FOR THIS!? THIS IS MY LIFE, MY PROBLEMS SO WHO THE HELL ARE YOU ALL TO BARGE IN!?" I was shouting at the top of my voice up at the roof while the girls and the boys...which didn't include Taehyung, stood there with their heads low...ashamed of everything they did...

"So you Areum! What made you think that it's absolutely possible in a minute to fix a relationship like me and Tae had!?! Did you actually forget he is having-----" I couldn't complete as I broke down to the core thinking about Taehyung's present relationship status as well his lifestyle now.

He's a different person now...why aren't they understanding this...What have I done to deserve this ugh!

"Y/N we never meant to---

"Hurt me? Yeah sure! You all never meant to hurt me. But your heads full of dander let you all do it! NOW LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE AND DON'T YOU ALL DARE FOLLOW ME."

Just as I was passing by Areum a voice got my steps in a place.


I looked up only to be greeted by Taehyung's wet face...his eyes were red...his cute nose puffy because of crying.

The scene ahead made me forget all sorts of anger and grudge or any other negative emotion that I had upon him or anyone. I stared, and stared but soon, him coming closer to me, got me down to Earth.

A series of mixed emotions started attacking me again......

"Y/N....please...I am sorry....I lost control... I was too outraged and got jealous when I saw Yoongi hyung holding your hand back there. You know" I stared without sharing any words.
"You know I tried hard to make you see what's inside me for you...you know...those chocolates and b-bou..quets that I....used to...s-send....yes they were all from me.... I....really...really like you....a lot.....please.....don't let me down."

My heart never fluttered so much as if is doing now.... this is illegal....

But Wait! What!?!! So those bouquets.... Those chocolates.....the greeting cards.....love letters.....were all from him? And I thought they were my fans who gave them to me!?!

I was brought back to sense when he spoke again,

"I can wait as long as you want me to wait for your answer.... please...do think about it....."

And that was the last sentence I heard as I moved pass him to get back home as soon as possible.

This is getting hard to be honest. I need time to sort out my feelings.

After I was done with my work and stuffs, I packed my bag to leave for home. Home sweet home....

As I got down through the elevator, I saw two silhouettes.

I looked at my watch at it was already 11:48pm... Who's here at this hour!?

Curiosity burning in my bones, I tip toed to the front only to be greeted by something, A PERFECT LIE....

Taehyung and Mina.....smiling to each other as they together got into the car and drove away.

A tint of jealousy hit me hard. I don't know why...

And he says he loves me huh?


7 years back:

I expected that day to be a great one just like I expect everyday. The school corridor had busy students rushing here and there and it was tough to make way through them. All of a sudden voice calls..but there was something wrong with him.

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