People say...
When he leaves...he leaves...
But at times....remembers to come back again....
Keeping in mind something to do...
Can be anything....
Maybe to love you back...or....
maybe to kill you...not physically... But mentally....
reason's too unknown..Obviously you can't let go of the fact that you did spend times with him...times which you have sworn to relish.....
He is a part of your life...
and that's can never... Ever...EVER forget him....
you can never...ever....EVER let go of him....I was lying down on my bed thinking about my situation... Trying to calm myself down from everything that happened in the mind was actually a mess....after I got to know HIM....The real him....He's not the one I knew as mine... And that killed me right at the moment I realised...
No..I won't run away now...I will face it...can't afford to hide behind walls anymore..I need my answers...and I am gonna search for it no matter what...
My thoughts were interrupted my Areum's touch on my shoulder...
"Let's go for it Y/N...I know you will be searching for answers now....for that...we all need to make him one of us....let's do it..."
Yes...whatever she said was absolutely a matter of fact.... But then again... Who's gonna make this stupid heart understand..?!
The more I tried to move my legs forward the more it seemed that it got stuck at the spot....all because my heart doesn't want to face him...
It thinks as if it suffered a betrayal now from the one it knew as its own...I nod and hummed at Areum's words and went forward to him without thinking anything else....
Maybe he can recognize me by looking at my eyes...maybe...he will get to know who am I....maybe something will happen...right?
I walked upto everyone and heard words like.. "Yes man! Being an idol is something great as well as a curse..."
" depends upon the way of thinking...."These words..I recognised it to be Joon's...
However...shrugging it of I went near Jaehee....
"Oh..! Y/ know what are we upto right?"
Ayy...?! What?! I scrunched my eyebrows...shaking my head indicating that I don't...
"No I don't... What are you all upto?! Some sort of a silly thing I guess?!"
"Tsk Areum did not tell you?" Asking this she looked behind me at Areum...I looked back at her too...
"Ah Y/N...the thing I told you about Taehyung..."
I stopped frowning and my brows were replaced with its normal self again...
"Oh yeah...I know" I said nodding and looking down...
"WHAT ARE YOU ALL WHISPERING ABOUT?! We have a new member guys..come up..introduce yourselves!!!"
Says Jungkook..or should i say...."SCREAMS" Jungkook the MUSCULAR PIG.... I rolled my eyes at his call and answered:
"Um..yeah here I come..."
"Taehyu--- um wait!!! What should I call you hyung??? tae hyung? or taehyung?? or taehyung hyung??"
My eyes met....Taehyung's....
For a minute I thought I lost myself in those chocolate dark eyes.... My sense stopped working and my heart was beating faster and faster each time he was taking steps towards me.

Heart Made Of Glass {Kim Taehyung Fanfiction} \\\Completed\\\
Fanfic°°°°3RD PLACE IN THE KIM TAEHYUNG FANFICTION OF HEARTBEAT AWARDS°°°° Shattered hearts....Shards of glass... Scattered in my soul.... Broken spirits....Painful thoughts.... Strewn across the floor... Its an awful mess...