The next day at BigHit
Namjoon POV
"No...this sentence won't rhyme then....see?"
"Yeah but we don't need that to rhyme do we? We just need know...use proper...syllables...its rare that we rhyme them ever.
"Guys! You don't need to use vocabularies here...just have strong sentences....and that's all...put an end!" The lazy guy who sat on the couch, speaks up.
Jhope and I were discussing the lyrics for Cypher pt.5 while there was our "kumamon hyung" who sat lazily with his droopy eyes about to be closed soon. We tried ignoring him as much as possible as this kumamon only knows how to sleep... right now.
"Guys guys! Aren't anyone of you sleepy?"
I dart a disgustful gaze at him....Damn you Yoongi!!!! I am so done with you.
"I just asked. Its okay if you all don't want. I will take Jihyun with me." He shrugs and lies back.
*knock! Knock!*
"I will see..." Jhope, being a caring hyung he is, goes for the knock on the door.
But I never could have thought that a person lurking behind that shutter could shut my brain entirely....."Hey there hyungs! Good evening!"
"Ahh!!! Taehyung-ah! Good eve good eve! Come in!" Jhope greets him with a welcoming smile.
Okay...he's here.... Now? I eyed him, careful enough not to be suspicious.
"What are you all hyungs doing now?" Taehyung asks playfully as he settles himself on the couch nearby.
"Oh! Just about finish the lyrics of Cypher pt.5....uhm...You....know how to rap?" Hobi continues with their conversation.
My eyes got hooked to Yoongi who was already looking at me with frustrated eyes.
Taehyung's eyes beamed and a cute smile spread on his lips.
Oh well...what's that suppose to mean now!?
My stomach gave me a sensation which kinda told me something's wrong. Basically nowadays he is stuck to Jimin and Jungkook. Its rare, that I see him here and there.
Suga comes near to me and whispers, "Can't believe he was the guy who actually had hurt Y/N once....Did you just look at him? How can a person , so innocent like him, forget his past like that!?! I am not liking you?"
Keeping quiet and studying him for a while I reply,"Its tough to judge a book by its cover you know.... We don't know him and besides... Who knows what has happened which made him COMPLETELY forget about his past....I MIGHT be wrong in this as well...."
We both studied Taehyung sitting on our table while Hobi was having hearty conversations with him.
All of a sudden Taehyung speaks,"Uhm hyungs...." And scratching his head he continues, "I needed a suggestion...for something"
Duh! There you go.. I already knew something's fishy and there you go!
"And that is....?" Suga asks raising his eyebrows up.
" Y-Y/N..."
A "OOOOOHOOHH" was heard from Hobi when Suga interrupts...
"Stay here till me and Joon bring coffee for us!"
And with that he pulled me apart from them.
At the canteen
"What do you think...should we support him?"
"I think we should.. Because you know? Maybe Y/N has a golden chance before her?"
"We tried it once and failed...which I am sure...has hurt Y/N way much.."
"Let's be matured here. Let him go for her. Let him manage HIS love. We will just suggest. Y/N is still isn't over him. Did you just look at her when Taehyung is around?" I say trying to think something.
"And then there's Jungkook as well..."
I choked on nothing when I heard him out completely...
So all these years...he was in love with the best makeup artist of BigHit...and I didn't know ANyThIng about ThaT!?? SuCh a PiECe oF TrAsh ! hmph!
A click right in front of my face called me back to earth.
"I think you should see him, Joon."
"Do you even know whom I am taking about?"
"Jeon of course!"
He smiled and answered me sarcastically, "No! I was talking about Kim Taehyung! Dumbhead!" And smacking me right being my head, he left.
Kim Taehyung POV
RM hyung and Suga hyung left in a rush. Seemed as if they weren't comfortable with me.
Its okay, it takes time to manage with new surroundings.
"So Taehyung-ah! Where were you born? Like you know, people who are gonna be your fans will soon try learning anything and everything about you!"
I dart towards his face as I realize there's a point in asking the question.
A tight jerk hit my head along with my heart and I could hear myself breaking up.....i looked down in shame as I didn't have anything to say....
No no...I can't confront that question not now...I can't just spill out everything to the Person I am least accustomed...
"N-no...n-n-noth-thing. Hyung I think I need to go, I have a work to carry out. I hope to meet you today in the dance room bye!"
With that I sprint away....that was the best option... For the time being......
J Hope POV
He was numb when I asked him about birthplace. I intentionally asked him so just for the sake of helping Y/N, to see if I could get anything out of him. Surely there's something fishy, else how can anyone forget their birthplace. Y/N was right. This is some kind of deep shit.
Something must have happened which made him forget Y/N, their relationship, his birthplace, her birthplace..every single detail rubbed away from his head. But the main question is
What had happened?
I was trying to figure out something when Joon and Yoongi entered.
Joon looked sideways and across the room, "Where did that guy go?"
"He's off. He realised something....."
I saw Joon and Yoongi exchanging super confused glances and both talk out, "And that is?" in sync.
I took a deep sigh and returning their glance I say,"He couldn't tell me where was he born...."
To be continued.....
___________________Hey guys! Long time now see! I am so fucking sorry for my irregular activity.... Studies are a sin now *huffs air*
Hope u guys liked it!

Heart Made Of Glass {Kim Taehyung Fanfiction} \\\Completed\\\
Fanfiction°°°°3RD PLACE IN THE KIM TAEHYUNG FANFICTION OF HEARTBEAT AWARDS°°°° Shattered hearts....Shards of glass... Scattered in my soul.... Broken spirits....Painful thoughts.... Strewn across the floor... Its an awful mess...