32: Areumin

603 44 17

Taehyung POV

I ran away from her cabin, because her broken self was hurting me. Yes, I was broken because of her, not forgetting, that I broke her as well.

Getting into our vocal boys's cabin, I notice Jin and Jungkook bickering and Jimin surfing through his phone.

I came in without a word and slamming the door shut I run to the restroom.

I am sure they flinched.

But that's not the thought revolving round my head now. It has been Y/N...and it will always be Y/N and Y/N only.

Getting near to the washbasin I splash cold water to clean and calm myself down.

Soon after doing so, I dart my eyes to the mirror in front. My eyes looked swollen and my nose was red, from all the crying, and face showing no emotions.

I stared at my helpless self as I kept on blaming me for my broken self and Y/N's broken heart.

Millions and millions of thoughts, questions and anger swept through my head making me feel as if it would explode any moment.

I feel so worthless. I hurt people whom I never can even dream of hurting. I am myself taking my life, my oxygen from ME!! Why is this happening!?

Tears gathered at the brim of my eyes and started pouring down all together, making me shake like a crazy person.

I desperately need her love...her warmth. I feel like something faded away from me...my other half......and this pain is intolerable. I shouldn't have chosen Mina to help me at the first place, to make her jealous.

Y/N ,you got it wrong. Please, for once, lemme explain myself.

Memories of two months ago, started sliding through my eyes. The times when Y/N would ignore me, when I would hang with Mina, showing Y/N, just to make her jealous.

I now understand, behind those rigid ignorant eyes, was a whole big pit of love and care for me. Else, why would she take care of me that day.

She still does... She still loves me. But she thinks Mina is my love, which is absolutely a wrong impression. And that's why, she doesn't wanna show or open herself to me.

I close my eyes calming myself. My heart was beating at an abnormal speed, making it almost jump out.

I have to confront her, no matter what....I need to clear all the questions and the wrong concept she is having for me.

"Hyung.....?? You inside?" I hear a low voice outside, followed by a slight knock on the door.
I quickly try regaining my composure and answer, voice still shaky.

"Y-ye-s..i-i am in...."

"Oh...come quick! We gotta talk about the lyrics of our second track of the upcoming album"

"Hmm...." I hummed in response.

Breathing in and breathing out a couple of times, I prepare myself to face my friends first.

I open the door to see worried faces of Jin hyung, Jimin and Jungkook.

"Guys? What's wrong?" I ask, looking one by one at all of them who were looking at me as if I do not belong to earth.

"Oh well... YOU should explain that.... What happened?"

My heart stopped and again, i was unable to express myself in words.
Lastly, heaving a sigh and smiling a little I say, "Everything's fine hyung...no prob!"

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