R〖sal fisher〗

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requested by @ChururiaChururia ,, thank you for requesting~!

title: we meet again
pronouns: she/her/her's
warning(s): slight cursing

reader pov

The fact of being inside your head, not being able to speak or hear at all.

I'm only three...! I don't like this big white room. It's so lonely here. Mommy doesn't get to come inside overnight like I can. The nurse is very nice, but I want mommy..

The bed next to me was always empty. Maybe that was a good thing. I don't want people to get hurt! I looked at the clock on the wall—I can't read those yet. I knew it was almost bedtime because the sun is gone.

I laid down, the bandages around my face tied slightly tight. I get stitches in two days. I had a horrible accident, I don't even remember what happened! It hurt a lot, mommy was so scared so we came here.

It was uncomfy to lay down with these dumb things..! I can hardly breathe out of the nose hole!

I heard a knock on the door, then the nice lady came back, "Hello (Y/n), I came to tell you it's time for bed, I won't wake you up too early okay? Sleep well, press the green button if you need me alright?" She smiled and walked out the room.

I was so tired, I slept like a baby!

time skip

I heard the door slam shut then. I fluttered my eyes open and I saw that the bed next to me wasn't empty anymore..! There was a boy in it! His face was all bandaged and bloody.... "Hello, what's your name? I'm sorry for waking you up. They put me here after my surgery." I smiled, "It's alright! I'm (Y/n), what's your name?"

"I'm Sal, it's nice to meet you. Looks like we'll be spending time together a lot," I couldn't tell if he was smiling, but it sounded like he was happy!

And it was true, we spent lots of time together!! I really liked Sal's company! His daddy was super nice too, he and mommy talked from time to time. It was fun while it lasted.

Today was Sal's last day here. I had to stay for a while. Sal was packing up his things, then he made his way to my bed. "I don't—wanna leave. I don't want to leave you!" He pouted. I sniffled and hugged him, "Neither do I Sally! I'm going to miss you so much!!"

We cried in each other's arms for a while till Sally had to leave. I hugged mommy tight, waving at Sally. "Buh-bye Sally...visit me okay!" I tried smiling. He nodded and left with his daddy. I never saw him again. Mommy said he probably had to move away from here for a reason she won't tell me yet.

Please come again Sally...

time skip (2)

I got the last box out of the truck, I sighed. My mom and I decided to move to a small town called Nockfell. It seems nice, the people are a little wack though. I start school tomorrow. Shit sucks since I'll be that new kid with the scars on her face. I can already predict the questions.

It's not their business anyways. As I put the box down in the living room my wallet fell out along with my pictures. I had some with my mom and I, old school friends, and...him. The boy from the hospital all those years ago. I wonder if he remembers. Heh, probably not, we're like—16 now.

He probably forgot all about me.

By time mom and I unpacked and settled in, it was time for bed. I put my school essentials in my bag to be ready for the next day. I sighed, throwing it in the corner. I felt mom rub my back, "Hey, it'll be fine. If anyone makes fun of you I'll march my ass down myself."

I smiled, kissing her cheek, "Thanks, I better get my own butt in bed. Love you, night." I flopped on the bed and engulfed the comfy sheets.

Before I knew it—


"Ugh...it's too early..." I forced myself awake and did my morning routine. Mom left for work already, so I was on my own. It was normal for me, so I was never really fazed—well other than the fact that I'm always sleepy and lazy in the mornings.

Once I was at school, I was shown around by some girl named Ashley. She seemed chill, she enjoyed art a lot and was really good at it. "Okay (Y/n)! This is your first class, if you need anything just find me okay? See ya!" I waved and walked into the class.

The old corpse of a teacher smiled at me, "Hello, you must be (Y/n) correct? I'm Mrs. Packerton, stand right here so I can introduce you to the class." Great... The bell rung and all the students rushed to the seats. Mrs. Packerton cleared her throat, "As you know we have a new student joining out class today, go on and introduce yourself."

"Hey, I'm (Y/n) (L/n). Nice to meet you." I blinked. I looked around the room and my eyes landed on an all to familiar blue-pigtailed boy.

〖sally pov〗

I couldn't believe it, the girl from the hospital..? Here! In my class! I thought I'd never see her again! "Good, now sit next to Mr. Phelps. Travis, raise your hand so Ms. (L/n) can locate you." Oh boy, he better not try anything...

She made eye contact with me the whole time....she sat next to him and they began to talk. I'm praying that they don't mingle.

Class was tedious, when the bell rang I raced to go see her. "C'mon (Y/n), you can sit with me," I heard Travis fake that kind tone of his. "Hey...uh (Y/n)?" I tapped her shoulder. She turned around, "Hm? Oh, hey! I knew I recognized you. You're....Sally right? I haven't forgotten you, surprise to see you here huh?"

I couldn't believe it. She's grown so much. I can't believe how beautiful she's gotten. "I haven't either. You look good, I mean you look amazing! No—you're face looks better—WAIT!" Curse me...

She laughed, "Thanks, still have that pesky thing? Well, ifit makes you comfortable, you don't have to wear it when I'm around. You're not scary or ugly under there. You're Sally." All I could do was smile. I couldn't say anything. "Hey (L/n), c'mon!" She turned her head, "Coming! I better go Sally, see you later?" I stutter, "Oh, uh, y - yeah! Definitely!"

She smiled and kissed the cheek of my prosthetic, "Adiós!"

I'm never cleaning this mask—

word count: 1180
jfc im so sorry this is late! i lost interest in writing for a while and was busy with design contests and assignments! but i'm back for a while now! thanks for reading babes! 💙💙💙💙

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2019 ⏰

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