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"CRYSTAL!" A voice shouts, waking the girl in question from her slumber. She hears three pairs of footsteps running up the stairs and doesn't bother moving. The sound of her door cracking open makes her eyes open slightly to spot the three girls she's friends with. Gabbie and Christina run and jump on her while Tate walks over, sitting at the edge.

"Why?" Crystal groans as Gabbie fully lays down on the younger girl. Gabbie falls asleep almost instantly. Christina moves so she's leaning against the headboard on the left side while Tate copies her actions on the other.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Christina sings, moving Gabbie's hair from Crystal's face. "Zach has an announcement."

"I don't want it," Crystal whines, closing her eyes tightly. "Do we have any clues?"

"Nope, but maybe he's finally gonna announce that you're his soulmate," Tate responds causing Crystal to roll her eyes. Gabbie shifts slightly, making herself more comfortable on top of Crystal.

"Tate, I'm not his soulmate," Crystal mumbles, carding her fingers through Gabbie's hair. "He may be mine but I'm not his."

"You don't know that," Tate argues. "It's so stupid that some people's soulmate aren't theirs. Who the fuck made that up?"

"The government? Jesus? I don't know," Crystal replies before gently pushing Gabbie to roll over onto Christina. "But of course it would happen to me. Nothing can go smoothly in my life apparently."

"And we're sure you're not his soulmate?" Christina asks as Crystal gets up and heads towards her dresser.

"Christina, how many times do we have to go over this?" Crystal sighs, beginning to pull out an outfit. "I knew Zach was my soulmate the moment I met him. I've known him for four years and I know he's dense but he's not that dense. If I was his soulmate he would've said something, it's just how Zach is."

"What if he's scared? Maybe relationships scare him," Tate shrugs causing Crystal to spin on her heel and face her.

"He's been in three relationships since I've met him, I don't think he's scared of relationships Tate. I think I'm not his soulmate," Crystal replies before walking into her bathroom to change.

The conversation seizes for the short time the girl is getting change and when she walks out, it resumes. Crystal sits in front of her full-length mirror with her hairbrush and some elastics. Her makeup was on the counter next to the mirror.

"CRYSTAL!" A male voice shouts from downstairs, the sound of her front door slamming shut follows soon after. Now four sets of steps can be heard hurrying up her stairs and towards the girl's room. Daniel, Corbyn, Jonah, and Jack soon enter, spreading out around the room.

"Zach has news," Daniel says while sitting down next to the mirror Crystal was currently doing her makeup in front of. She barely spares him a glance before responding.

"So I've heard. Do you guys know it?" She questions, her eyes flicking to the other boys in the room. She sees Gabbie, still asleep, now in Jack's arms and smiles.

"Yes, but it's not our news to tell," Jonah replies causing the girls, minus Gabbie, to groan.

"You suck," Crystal mutters, screwing her mascara tube shut.

"Is he finally gonna admit that Crystal is his soulmate?" Christina asks causing Crystal to groan even louder.

"Wait, what?" Daniel perks up slightly, looking between Christina and Crystal. "Is Zach your soulmate?"

"Christina, when I said don't tell the boys, were you just not listening to me?" Crystal rhetorically asks earning laughter from Christina. "But yes, he's my soulmate. Unfortunately, I am not his because life hates me but it's chill."

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