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*time skip 1 and 1/2 months*

Crystal rolls over in her bed, unintentionally falling off of the edge and onto the floor. Groaning, she slowly pushes herself up and leans against the side of her bed. She grabs her phone from the nightstand, checking the time and her notifications.

Crystal still hasn't told the girls or her family where she is. She saw that the boys kidnapped Sterling to try and find her and she just didn't want to risk it. The girls have been trying so very hard to force her to tell them her location. Crystal is honestly shocked she hasn't run into Gabbie yet seeing as they're in the same state.

"Crystal, we gotta go to work!" Her roommate, Amber, sings while pushing open her door. "Did you fall off of your bed again?"

"Of course I did," Crystal replies, pushing herself off of the ground quickly. "This job fucking scares the living shit out of me."

"You're a barista at a coffee shop, not a hitman," Amber rolls her eyes with a light smile. "But you've lasted this long without running into anyone so don't stress too much about it."

"Alright, let me get ready," Crystal sighs, ushering the blonde out of her room before closing the door.

She heads over to her closet and pulls out her work uniform. It wasn't anything special just a pair of leggings and a plain white t-shirt. Throwing that on quickly, she laces up her beat up pair of all-star sneakers and leaves her room with her phone in hand.

Amber is already dressed and ready to go when Crystal reaches the front door. She hands Crystal her purse and a granola bar before opening the door and walking out. Crystal wordlessly follows and the two make their way to the brunettes car. They quickly make the short drive to the cafe called O' Riley's.

"Do you know where the boys are looking for you?" Amber asks as Crystal pulls into the parking lot.

"I don't know which puts me even more on edge," Crystal sighs, putting the car in park quickly. "I'm just more scared of Gabbie finding me because once she does, I'm screwed."

"Gabbie wouldn't purposefully sell you out though. Well, at least that's what I assume from what you've told me about her," Amber replies before pushing the car door open. The duo gets out and makes their way towards the cafe.

"She wouldn't but Jack knows how to get information out of her so," Crystal shrugs with a fond smile. She would be lying if she said she didn't miss those losers. They were her second family. She kind of regrets leaving but she knows deep down that it was probably the best thing to do. "You would get along great with them."

"Maybe, if you're ever ready to, you can reconnect with them and I'll come with you," Amber suggests as they walk through the doors. Crystal just shrugs as the two head into the back.

They quickly clock in and grab their aprons from their lockers. They put their bags into their lockers before shutting and locking them. Per usual, Amber struggles to tie her apron and Crystal has to help her. The pair make their way out front to start working.


"Where the fuck could she be?" Zach groans from the back of Jack's car. They were now in Florida and have yet to find Crystal anywhere. Jack wanted to pick up Gabbie before they go anywhere else.

Jack and Corbyn ignore Zach as they pull into Gabbie's driveway. The girl is sitting on her steps and brightens up at the sight of the jeep. Jack quickly gets out of the car and pulls Gabbie into a tight hug, rocking them side to side. Corbyn gets out of the passenger seat and hops into the back with Zach. Gabbie and Jack get into the car and Jack quickly reverses out of the girl's driveway.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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