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It was the next day and Crystal's mood seemed to deflate even more. Gabbie, Tate, and Christina had all left LA this morning, leaving Crystal completely alone with her thoughts. The girls didn't want to leave but Crystal had forced them to. She wasn't gonna let them put their lives on pause for her.

She was currently scrolling through her phone, trying to make up her mind on what to do. Some would say she's being overdramatic but they don't understand how painful this situation is for her. She wants to just start over and pretend that she never met Zach but she also can't do that.

She's talked to her mother and she was okay with her moving out surprisingly. She could move to Florida where her aunt lives or she could move to Tennessee where her cousins are. Telling the boys or even the girls was not gonna happen. She just wanted to disappear even though it was gonna hurt like hell.

She locks her phone, tossing it to the side of her. Making a very rash decision, she gets up and heads for her closet. She pulls out two suitcases and begins packing her stuff up. She was only taking necessities for now and will have the rest either shipped out or she'll buy new stuff to replace it with.

As she's packing up, her younger brother, Sterling, walks in. Sterling doesn't even question it, just helps his sister pack up her things. The duo works quickly and soon the two suitcases along with three duffle bags are full.

"What are you gonna do about youtube?" Sterling asks, sitting down on the edge of his sister's bed.

"Quit," Crystal quietly replies, taking a glance at the camera on her dresser. "Want to help me film my last youtube video?"

"Sure, I'll set it up," Sterling gets up and moves around the room, setting up all of the equipment. The boy loves helping Crystal with her videos and it sucks that this is the last time he'll do it. Well, unless Zach decides to pull his head out of his ass and Sterling really doesn't think that's gonna happen anytime soon.

Crystal takes a seat on her bed, folding her legs underneath her. She brushes through her hair with her fingers with a sad smile. When she's all ready, Sterling presses record.

"Hey guys," Crystal sighs, waving towards the camera halfheartedly. "So, um, by the title, you know that I am quitting youtube."

Crystal glances around the room, struggling to keep her tears at bay. "I love youtube and honestly I would continue it but I can't."

"Most of you know that I am friends with the Why Don't We boys," She begins, directing her gaze downwards. "Um, so the boys just found this out yesterday but Zach is my soulmate. Zach, however, does not know this so when he sees this I'm defiantly gonna be in trouble for not telling him."

"Anyways, Zach is my soulmate but I'm not Zach's," She purses her lips, trailing off. "It fucking sucks but my life fucking sucks so I'm kind of used to shit like this happening to me."

"Anyways!" She exclaims. "The reason I'm telling you guys this is because I am leaving."

Crystal glances behind the camera to see her brother giving her an encouraging look. "I am leaving LA and I'm not telling anyone except for my mother and brother. I'm not gonna tell you where I'm moving mostly because I don't even know where I'm going."

"This will be a scheduled video so by the time this is up, I'll be long gone," She says with a soft smile adorning her face. "Zach, you can try and come to my house and find me but I won't be here. I'm changing my number so you can't try to track me and my family will not be telling you anything."

"I know this sucks and seems like an overdramatic decision but in my eyes, it's not," Crystal mutters. "I've known that he was my soulmate since the moment I met him. As you all know, finding out who you're soulmate is, differs from person to person. For me, I actually have a few so I'll run through them."

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