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"ZACH! WE HAVE A PROBLEM!" Corbyn yells from the first floor of their house. It was the next day and Corbyn was the first one to see Crystal's new video. His heart dropped at the title and he immediately clicked on it.

"WHAT IS IT?" Zach shouts in response while making his way down the stairs. Corbyn doesn't respond just motions him over. Zach plops down next to the blonde, straightening up when he looks at the screen.

Corbyn doesn't say anything just presses the play button. He moves the computer onto Zach's lap who's eyes have widened when he read the title. They go through the entire video and Zach's jaw just drops. When the video ends he just stares at the dark screen in shock before looking over to his bandmate.

"I-" Zach is at a loss for words. He can't believe he didn't see the signs. "I am a fucking idiot."

"Yeah, maybe dropping out of high school wasn't the best of choices," Corbyn responds, preparing to get punched. He's shocked when he doesn't feel anything. He looks over to see Zach staring at the keyboard, tears silently dripping down his face. "She's your soulmate isn't she?"

"Yup," Zach whispers causing Corbyn to wrap his arm around the younger boy. The three other boys walk in the room and stop short at the seen in front of them. They rush over, crowding around the rosy-cheeked boy who is dead silent.

"What happened?" Jack asks, kneeling down on the floor in front of Zach.

"Crystal's gone," Corbyn answers when Zach doesn't. "She couldn't take seeing Zach with another girl again so she left."

"What do you mean she left?" Jonah questions, going to take his phone out to text the girl.

"Just watch her latest youtube video," Corbyn pushes the laptop over to the boys who immediately replay the video. Zach stares at his hands that are shaking slightly. How the fuck did he miss it? He just assumed that he wasn't her soulmate so he tried to move on. When the video finishes, Jonah shuts the laptop and places it behind him.

"Okay," Daniel sighs, running his hand through his hair. "Um, I'm assuming she's your soulmate?"

"Yeah," Zach mutters, head buried in his hands.

"And you didn't say anything because?" Jack asks, refraining from smashing his head against the nearest surface.

"Because I didn't think I was her soulmate," Zach groans. "I just... I didn't want to make things awkward if she rejected me so I just tried to move on. What in the actual fuck should I do?"

"Break up with Kay for starters," Jonah says while pulling the boy up so he's standing up.

"Head over to her family's house to try and get any information," Daniel adds, handing the younger boy his phone.

"Pack a bag," Jack pushes Zach towards the stairs lightly.

"Because we're going on a road trip to find your girl," Corbyn finishes with a grin. Zach stares at them for a second before looking down at his phone. The background was a picture of him and Crystal on the beach together, smiling wide.

"Are you guys sure you want to do this with me?" Zach asks. The boys immediately roll their eyes at him.

"Yes, now go, the sooner we leave, the sooner we find her," Corbyn pushes the boy up the stairs and towards his room. Zach laughs but lets himself be guided to his own room. Corbyn literally pushes him in before slamming the door shut behind him.

Zach heads to his closet and pulls out one of his tour suitcases, throwing it on the bed behind him. He starts to pack up his clothes when he realizes he still needs to break up with Kay. He throws the sweatshirt in his hands into the suitcases before pulling his phone from his back pocket.

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