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A month ago from today my mother died. I was only in school when it happened. I remember everything so clearly, I was sitting in Science class learning about some shit I didn't care about. I hated school yet I still do, I'll never grow to like it. Mr. Johnson was blabbering about something when he got a call from the office.

"Frank, they want you in the office and take your stuff your not coming back for the day"

I picked my head up from the desk and packed my things. As I walked down the aisle I heard kids mumbling things such as "gay", "faggot", "stupid", "emo", and etc. I ignored them though, atleast I won't be coming back in this hell hole for the rest of today plus tomorrow's Friday. I'm pretty sure I can manage. I walked out and made my way to the office to find my dad waiting, this would definitely be serious because my parents would never take me out of classes. He lifted his head up as he saw me and mumbled a thanks to the principal as he walked out. I was so confused but I knew to follow him out. My heart started racing, why would he take me out of classes ? Did I do something wrong ? But mostly, why isn't he talking ? My father is such and outgoing person, this has to be something terribly serious. We got in the car and made our way home, the car ride was uncomfortably silent and awkward but I just looked out the window the whole ride. We went inside and that's when things got bad.

My father broke down crying and sobbing, punching the wall. I kept asking what was wrong , why was he so upset ? And where mom, why isn't she here supporting him ?

That's when he turned around and looked me straight in the eyes when he said

"Son, y-y-your died in a car accident" He let out a sob again "A drunk driver hit her and she drove straight in a tree..s-s-she couldn't control the car anymore"

that was the last thing he said before he ran upstairs locking himself in his room.

I didn't know what to do I was in it was more than that. I crashed to the floor sobbing, my vision getting fuzzier each second, but thats when everything became black.


Here I am today, one month later in my room laying down, staring at the ceiling. I feel so worthless why couldn't I be with her ? I'm just a useless piece of shit that doesn't deserve to be here. Everyone would be better off without me, who would miss me honestly ? No one. Exactly. Yet hope still keeps leading me on, hope that one day I'll get better, hope that maybe someone will love me as much as mother did. God I sound so selfish, another reason why I shouldn't be in this world. Who wants a selfish brat like me ?

I check the time and see it's 11:37 pm. I should probably get some sleep since I have school tomorrow, back to the hell hole. But I probably won't get any because of my insomnia. Life's a bitch isn't it ? Don't answer that, I already know the answer....

Two hours later my eyes final give up and slide themselves shut


I woke up to the smell of pancakes in the kitchen. My father still hasn't gotten over my mothers death but I can't blame him because I haven't either, there's only one difference though. My father has been trying to get better not like sleeping with other women better, but just trying to spend time with me and trying to be calm and relaxed. I can say he's doing a great job but I know he'll never get over my mom and what happened.

I get up from bed and take a quick shower, wash my teeth and get dressed. If only it was summer, I wouldn't have to deal with school or bullying or people honestly !! Society's fucked up these days. I head down stairs greeted by my dad as he hands me my pancakes. Once I finish I grab my bag and head out the door.

"Have a nice day Frank!" I hear him say

"I'll try!" I call out before shutting the door behind me

I start walking towards school trying not to bring any attention to me, while I blast Metallica through my headphones, but once I step on campus I can already see the jocks looking for someone to pick on. Since I am pretty short I use it as an advantage to get to places faster by squishing through people. I run inside the building hoping the jocks didn't see me or even catch a glimpse, I turn to look behind me and luckily they didn't find me yet. I walk towards my locker and get whatever stuff I need for biology, how am I supposed to know if I never pay attention ? So I just decide in my notebook and pencil no book or nothing. I head towards class when I feel a hand on my shoulder

"Aw did poor Frankie think he could get away today?"

I should've known I couldn't get through one day without being picked on

"Answer me when I fucking talk to you!"

I decide to stay mute, it'll be just as bad if I talked anyways

"Go fucking slit your wrists emo ass punk"

And with that he slams my body on the locker, punching me on nose, and kneed my stomach. With that I fell to the ground as he kept kicking me in the ribs.

Honestly what did I do to deserve this ?

"That's fucking enough for today, tomorrow you better fucking answer my question or it'll be ten time worse, fucking bitch" and with that he walked to class

I lay there for a minute trying to regain my balance, once I do I head towards the bathroom to see how bad he beat me. I step in and look at the mirror, well at least he didn't hit my eye cause I can handle a bleeding nose. I lift my shirt up to see that he gave my three big ass bruises on my rib cage. I take care of the bleeding nose and decide to care for the bruises once I get home.

I make my way to class and walk in to have 34 eyes looking at me. Geez, these fucking morons look like owls, don't they have anything better to do ?

"Iero, why are you late?"

"I was talking to a teacher about a homework assignment" I manage to get out, where'd that come from ? I'm usually terrible at lying

"Take your seat and don't do it again" Ms. Bush says. I fucking hate all my teachers and why does she have a ring on her finger ? Seriously someone must've had some serious prooblemms

I take my seat avoiding everyone trying to trip me....I sit in the back row to avoid any conversation with these idiots. Not only am I too awkward but these people are always talking about some perverted shit, calm down with that shit.

Ms. Bush interrupts my thoughts as shes presenting a new student. Huh ? I never saw him walk in ..must be real slickk.

"Go on young man, introduce yourself"

How awkward must this be for him ? He looks scared out of his mind, poor boy. Yet this boy intrigues me, I can already tell he's not like the others, plus he has and Iron Maiden shirt. He already has a great taste in music, it can't get better right ? Wrong. As i stare at his face I notice he's very fucking attractive...well to me I don't know about the other idiots in this class. His hair is dyed red like a fire truck and I can't help but be amazed as it fits him so well, his skin is pale kind of like a vampire but most important, he has hazel eyes that you can't help but stare at, yet when I look at them i can see through them and what I see is loneliness and depression. I get how he's feeling....well maybe I could help him ? No, Frank you can't get attached to nobody you could lose them in an second. But this boy.....he's different, maybe he can be an exception..right ?

My thoughts were interrupted when I look up and see him smiling shyly when he says

"Hi, my name's Gerard Way"


Hey guys what'd you think if it for a first chapter ?????

Sorry I'm new in all this writing and stuff so I apologize if it's terrible :|

Well i like feedback ! But thanks for reading :D


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