Smelling Books

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I walked up to my house door and tried to search for my keys. I panicked a little when I didn't feel them.
Not in my pockets. So I checked my book bag.
Not in my book bag either.


I knocked on the door to see if dad was home, waiting for like two minutes I finally came to the conclusion that I was locked out. I mean,

Do I just sit hear and wait?

Deciding that would be a bit boring, I told myself to go check out the new bookstore that was opening, honestly books aren't as bad as teenagers say they are, they're filled with lessons you can learn from, plus I heard the bookstore had a mini coffee shop in it! So of course I was excited, because coffee is literally life.

It surprisingly wasn't that far of a walk, making my life a bit easier. It wasn't hard to spot the place either, it had a big "NOW OPEN" banner hanging under the store name, really, you couldn't miss it. It looked pretty great from the outside, it looked like a comfortable place to be in, but the best part was when I saw a nice drawing of a coffee mug on the glass letting me know that there definitely was coffee inside. So of course I wasn't just going to stand outside and admire the place for hours, I made my legs do some work and walked inside.

My first step inside and I was already in love with this place, it had the coffee scent to it, though the coffee shop was all the way in the back, I squealed with excitement as I took in the view to the books.

Honestly, I was acting like a 6 year old who had just arrived to Disney World. I would know though, as my parents took me there when I was 6.

Smelling books was a habit of mine, so of course I couldn't miss my chance of smelling some of these books. I went to the romance section, because if you didn't know...romance was indeed my favorite genre. Not because of all the sex in the books, because I do usually skip over that stuff, but it gives me some access to love. Some romance novels describe "love" in different ways, it's interesting to know the definition of love in the minds of different people. It also lets me know the feeling of love- as in how the two people that love each other, yet they don't know it act around each other and in how different they act towards each other when they finally figure it out and start dating. It lets me know how the two people in the relationship are feeling and honestly, it's the cutest thing.

Watch out Iero, your gay is showing.

Right. Back to the point then, I just really like romance novels.

Then as I thought nobody was watching I went on with life and stuffed the first book I picked out in my face. Just as I thought. It smelled new. It smelled like some type of new polished floor., not that. It smelled like-

"You having fun there?"

Holy fucking shit.

I recognized that voice like I recognized my romance novels.

I quickly discarded the book and put it on it's shelf nice and neatly. I took a nice deep breath an turned to the one and only Gerard Way.

"H-hello, Gerard." And being the person I am I lifted my hand and waved at him, which I can tell you, was way too close to his face.

"It's not fair you know.?"

Fair? Since when was something "fair" between us? Oh boy.


"I never caught your name, you know? You knowing my name and all, but me not knowing your name, it's tragic, really."

"Oh r-right, the name's Frank Iero if you must know."

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