The Club....and BATMAN.

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So. I do NOT own OHSHC. But! I do own my OCs! And! I am hyperrrr and im BATMAAAN! XD kay before i creep everyone out, im gonna write the storyyyy.....byeeeee! Enjoyyyy!!!


After classes, which were easy except for Japanese, which I'm still learning, i followed Hikaru Kaoru and Haruhi out of class, down the hall, up the left staircase, to the right, down another hall, and after like 5 minutes we got to Music Room 3. Hm....CAN I SING HERE??? Nah...not yet...not till Em and Jon get into the school and catch up on their Japanese.

"Open the doors, Alex!" The twins say in unison.

".....SOOOO COOOL!" I thought i thought but i thought my thought aloud, judging by their reactions.

"Oops...that was supposed to stay in my head. Oh well. By the way, in case you cant tell already, i find people talking in unison on accident or on purpose absolutely awesome! Ok we can go in now!" I say.

I open the door, expecting some sort of prank because of how evily the twins said for me to go in first. I was greeted by a warm atmosphere that seemed quite happy. There were chairs, couches, tables, a pass-through which im sure means theres a kitchen somewhere, more doors, and a curtain that goes in a half circle on one of the walls. Hm.....piano? Stage? Guitars? Something musical since its a music room? I think to myself.

"Alex! You made it! Oh, im soo glad you came!!! Are you and Haruhi friends now? Those evil twins better not have infected you with their evilness." A tall blond guy said. Tamaki Suoh I remembered.

" Suoh-senpai, i was evil to begin with!" I say, giving him a peace sign with my fingers.

"Let me introduce you to the rwst of the club!~" he says, ignoring what i said. Hehehe...hes gonna regret that...>:D

Oh me and my evil thoughts! Haha.

"This is Kyoya Ootori, the cool type. Honey-senpai, the boy lolita type. Mori-senpai, the strong-and-silent type. Hikaru and Kaoru, the mischievous types as well as "twincest." Haruhi, the natural type. And moi! The princely type!~" he says, pointing out each in turn.

The first, Kyoya Ootori, i think, is tall with raven black hair, curious dark purple eyes, glasses with black rims, and a notebook that he...keeps...taking

Next is Honey-senpai, who is short, 4'5" maybe?, has blonde hair, bright, cheerful light brown eyes and is carrying a pink bunny.

Mori-senpai is tall, taller than any of them, with black hair, dark green eyes, and a protective look on his face. Whenever he looks at Honey-senpai it softens, though.

Hikaru and Kaoru each have hazel eyes, orange ish hair, and mischievous looks on their faces. Kaoru's voice, i noticed, is a than Hikaru's. Hikaru's voice is a bit more harsh or rough.

Haruhi ive already described, but forgot to mention that hes very kind looking and is about as tall as me. He still reminds me of a girl i once knew....o.o..

Tamaki-senpai is as tall as Kyoya-senpai, maybe a few inches shorter, with yellow-blond hair, bright violet eyes, and cheerful and almost childish disposition about him.

"Pleased to meet you all! I apologise if i say anything incorrectly. My Japanese isnt as good as my English or French..." i say giving them my warmest smile, trailing off at the end and getting somewhat cut off by Tamaki.

"That. Was. SOOO ADORABLE!~ Haruhi, my daugh-erm...son, dont you think hes absolutely handsome!?" He says excitedly.

"Yeah, he is! That was soo cute, Al-chan!" Honey said.

"It was a very nice greeting." Said a deep voice, which kind of startled me. I looked to where it came from and it was...Mori-senpai. Wow. His voice matches his stature.

"I have to agree." Said Kyoya.

The twins didnt say anything, but then again they were rubbing their cheeks on mine so i guess they didnt have to. But they are getting on my nerves....-_-#

"Can you two get off?! Oh, and senpai, my two friends are going to be here any minute. Would it be ok if i got them ready for new people first before you guys say anything?" I say as the twins retreat behind Haruhi. "You guys did deserve it," she tells them Ohhhhh! You just got burned!!!

"Of course, my son! And you said you speak French???" He said.

As i was about to answer, there was a knock on the doors i had entered through.

"Ah...that would be them. Excuse me for a few minutes." I bowed and exited the room.

Outside i found Jon and Em.

*speaking in english when jon, em, or ales are talking to one another*

"Hey! Hows your first day going baby?" Jon asked being his strange self.

"Pretty good, actually! Oh, and before anything else, they think im a guy. Just letting you know that now so you arent confused later. And inside are seven people- Tamaki Suoh is the chairmans son. He is the one with blond hair and violet eyes. Not the short blond, the tall one. Haruhi Fujioka is the one with short brown hair and big brown eyes about my height who looks kinda like a girl. Kyoya Ootori is the one who is the same height as Tamaki-senpai with black hair and glasses. He also has a notebook that he hasnt stopped writing in. I think he has grey eyes. Honey-senpai is the short blond with light brown eyes and is carrying around a pink bunny. Mori-senpai is the reallyyyyy tall guy with black hair, dark green eyes ans doesnt say much. Hikaru and Kaoru are the twins. Youll know em when you see em. They like to try to trick people as to which is which, though, so be careful. The one with the kinder sounding voice is Kaoru. The other one is Hikaru. Any questions?" I say, trying to explain quickly while still making sense.

"Just one. Why do they think youre a guy?" Em asks.

"I dunno. But they keep calling me Alex. Anyway, lets go in! Oh, and ill be mainly speaking Japanese."

In we go.


Hope you liked it!!!


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