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there was a van in the parking lot. the windows were heavily tinted, probably at an illegal amount.

before they took me outside they taped my mouth shut, zip tied my wrists behind my back, and took my phone.

they shoved me into the van, putting me in the back next to jaemin who was also tied and taped up.

he looked over at me, fighting the tape on his mouth, breathing hard and his eyes started welling up with tears.

i motioned my hand down, which is was still tied behind my back, signaling for him to calm down as i watched his red face begin to calm down a little.

it was still night, the party still going on probably.

while watching the raindrops run down the window, i thought of everything on my mind.

are nabi and namil okay? what ever happened to jeno and the girls? also what about those guys from school? or haechan, chenle, kun, jungwoo, winwin, and ten? is it always gonna be like this? will i ever find out about my real parents? how did this all start?

a few minutes later

the van stopped in a parking lot outside of a warehouse a few miles away from the center of daegu.

the crew of men hopped out and we followed after them.

one grabbed my arms, another grabbed jaemin's and they walked us up to the opening to the warehouse.

there was a sheet of plastic flapping over the doorway, making noise in the wind.

junhoe appeared behind the plastic, opening it to the side.

the ceiling went high, it was cement, like a storage unit for city vehicles and equipment.

"you two are very important to the seoul gang i'm sure you guys know well of, making you very valuable to gangs all over. now that we have you both, they will be on their knees, begging us for you two." kino explained, while sitting on a crate.

"daniel will be here soon with the others." a new guy walked through the plastic.

"alright, someone bring them to their rooms please

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"alright, someone bring them to their rooms please." the leader of the guys (lay) said, walking away to a different room.

jaemin was taken to the room across the hallway from mine.

the room had four bunks for eight people including me.

"you'll be sharing the room with me, wooseok, jaebeom, kino, mingyu, joshua, and daniel." junhoe said leaning against a bunk as i sat on a bottom bunk.

𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘩 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵 . [𝘯𝘤𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘧𝘪𝘢 𝘢𝘶]Where stories live. Discover now