Chapter 2:Life Is Peachy

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You was born in this world without happy life. Your mother hates you because your father is a rapist, your rapist father was already dead because of car accident while the cops are chasing him when you was a child, your mother always hurt you emotionally and physically.

When mothers day comes you gave a letter to your mom saying, "Even though you hate me for the rest of your life, still I always love you mom". You are suprised when your mom take it and read your letter to her but she tear the paper and she force you to eat it in your mouth and she slap your face saying, " I will never gonna love you back, BULLSHIT! WHY DON'T YOU GET THE FUCKING OUT OF MY FACE NOW! " and your mother start to drink alot of Jack Daniels.

You were so sad, you go to your room and lock the door. You jump to your bed and sob.

7 year later

Today was your birthday. You were turning to 12 and nothings changed in your life. You attend school whether you like it, you wear adidas shirt and pants, wear an eyeliner, put headphones, just like usual you play Korn songs.

While you're sitting on your favorite spot inside the bus you're busy listening, Korn was your favorite nu metal band because you can relate to their songs, also you like Jonathan Davis because he was so hot, sexy, and handsome singer for you, also you were so obsessed on his band.

You already arrived at school, you go to your classroom. When you take a sit on your permanent seat, you heard the bullies said to you. " Hey guys! Guess who's in here, theirs a Freak " The bullies laughed while they're throwing papers into your face. Sometimes when you're at the Hallway the bullies punched you even though you didn't do something bad at them, you're just ignoring them holding back your tears, you always released your anger and sad feelings into your room by listening some Korn songs while crying.

There's a day when you were in school. It's releasing time your teacher in math release all students except you, your teacher said that he have an important things to say to you, before he started to spit it out he check first if there's no single student outside the classroom after that, he locked the door, you asked him why he do it, he didn't answer and proceeded to raped you.

You want to escape on him but he punch your stomach that makes you weak and can't fight back at him, after a minutes ago when your teacher finished raped you he whisper something on your ears, "if you tell this to your parent or to someone, I'm going to fucking kill you and your parents! DO YOU GET IT! ". He said in anger voice, you're too scared, shocked and crying, you go back home with a sad feelings because of what happened to you.

When headed back home, you jogged into the bathroom and clean yourself while crying, you feel so dirty because of what happened a while ago, meanwhile there's a voices whispered into your ears it' telling " Are you ready to tell what happened to you? " You're so terrified to tell it because he said he will gonna kill you and your parents, when you're finished cleaning yourself and releasing all the pain you feel suddenly the telephone ring you quickly answer it.

Y/N: Hello....

Grandma: Y/N.....your mother is in the hospital.

Y/N: wh.. what happened to my mom?*panicking voice*

Grandma: Your mother got into accident because she was driving while she was drunk.

Y/N: Holy Shit! I'm gonna go in there grandmother...

Grandma: okay...

You go to the hospital as fast as you can when you arrived at the hospital your grandparents are crying, they tell you that your mom was died because of major injury. You were so shocked , you go to your mothers room and hug her tightly, " I'm ready to tell it mom that I was raped by my teacher but why you leave me right now".

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