Chapter 4: Dead

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You force yourself to get up on the floor even though your body and head hurt, you quickly get out in the basement to find the boys.

Jonathan POV

I was really shock on what I saw, there were so many pictures of me and my friends stick into the wall. There's a notebook on the table I open it to read what's written in there " I love you Korn. Munky,Fieldy ,Head ,David and Also Jonathan are mine.Y'all are my life if Korn didn't existed in this world I think I'm already dead". I got suprise also when I notice those stuffs use for ritual inside this room, there were red 5 candles lit up on the circle with pictures of me and my friends. I can't believe on what I've witness. Suddenly my shoulder aches and started to bleed I turn around and saw Y/N stab it with a scissor.

Y/N and I struggle on the secret room. I defense myself against her even though my left shoulder hurts because of the scissor that still in my shoulder, I use my right hand to grab her hair and pushed her to the floor. She hit the lit up candles and the fire quickly spread on it because of the other stuffs that's made of woods. I pulled out the scissor that stuck on my left shoulder even though it's hurt and bleeding, I'm rushing out of the room but she stops me from grabing my foot causes me to fell on the floor.

I kick her to loss her grip on my foot, but it didn't work, Head saw us, He help me by kicking her on her body, she loss her grip on my foot, Head help me to stand, Fieldy saw my bleeding shoulder and help us.

Fieldy: Shit! It's bleeding Jonathan.

Head: Just fucking help us get out of here.

Jonathan: let's get out of here quickly the fire is getting bigger.

Head: Where the hell David and Munky going?

Fieldy: Munky used the telephone to call 911 for help and David searching for the key to the front door.

David: Hey Guys! I found the key.

Munky: Guys I already called 911, let's get out of here, the fire and smoke are spreading on this house.

The boys immediately out of the burning house while Y/N still inside she loss all of her energy and she's so weak. When the boys already in the outside they continue from running.

Jonathan: wait guys! We need to help Y/N to get out in the burning house.

David: Are you out of your mind Jon! Y/N kidnapped us so there's no reason to help her.

Head: Y/N was totally crazy so why we need to help her. If she will survive Y/N gonna kill us.

Jonathan: No! Even though Y/N did a bad thing to us, we need to help her and we can help her to cure her mental problem.

Munky: Jonathan is right. Y/N did it because her dark memories corrupt her mind.

Jonathan: Here's my plan Head, David, and Fieldy stay here and wait for the cops, ambulance and fire fighter tell them that me, munky and Y/N are inside.

Fieldy: Okay, be careful in there.

Jonathan and Munky decided to go back inside the burning house again to help Y/N. When their already inside they can't easily find Y/N because of the thick smoke that surrounds the whole place.

Munky: Shit! The smokes are too thick and the fire is so big.

Jonathan: There Munky I saw the room.

When they found the room they quickly go there, they saw Y/N sitting on the floor crying and coughing because of the thick smoke inside the room. Jonathan and Munky run through her direction, suddenly there's a burning woods fall on where's Munky and Jonathan going to run.

Jonathan: Hey! Y/N...come here we're going to save you.

Munky: We will help you get out of here even though you kidnapped us.

You just look at them still crying but you stay in there motionless. You said to your mind, "I don't want to live in this world my life is full of forlorn" You stand up and grab a wood with fire and put into your body. Jonathan and Munky was shocked on what you did to yourself.


When you put the piece of wood with fire on your body it quickly touches your skin, while you are burning there's a voices whispered to your ears "Are You Ready?  To Die.... " you scream, "Yes!  I want to die now, all I want in life is to be happy ,but I failed so it's time to end this, I'm tired of this sorrow " You just cry and there's a bagpipe playing into your ears repeatedly while your burning alive, just fall on the floor burning.

Jonathan and Munky are crying they screams, "No! ". They can't enter because the fire is too big and the other woods are falling to the room where you are.

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