Chapter 5: The Final Day

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Meanwhile the ambulance, cops and fire fighters arrived at where the incident happened.

David: Thank God! they arrived.

Cops: Wait!, Are you the members of korn that was missing for 10 days?

Head: Yes! We need your help right now *panicking voice*

Fieldy: Our friends were inside of the house *panicking voice*

Cops: Ok... Just calm down and we will gonna rescue them now, stay in the ambulance while the fire fighters finding your friends.

The fire fighters are killing the fire while the other fire fighters enter to save Jonathan and Munky. When they saw Jonathan and Munky they immediately get them out, once they're already in the outside, David, Head and Fieldy run through them.

Fieldy: where's Y/N? Did you save her?

Head: What's wrong? Why both of you are crying?

David: What happened to Y/N? Tell us, what happened?

Munky: She's dead *sad tones*

Jonathan: Munky and I try to save Y/N but we're failed.

Fieldy: What did you saw?

Munky: Y/N killed herself by burning her body. Me and Jonathan scream to tell her don't do it but Y/N choose to put the piece of burning wood into her body.

The three boys were shocked on what they heard, Korn members get inside the ambulance in disbelief and sadness, when the fire fighters already killed the fire, they took Y/N lifeless and burned body to put in the ambulance.

Korn and your burned body is in the hospital. Their wives immediately come to the hospital. The doctor check them and treated their wounds while their wives are so worried about what happened to them. When the doctor finished curing them, they're in the same room and take a rest since they need it to regain their loss energy, the room filled with silence, Jonathan breaks it by clearing his throat and open his mouth to say something.

Jonathan: I know Y/N did something bad at us because of her condition still she became one of our closest friend right?

Munky: yup *nod his head in agreement*

David: and what are you trying to say with that?

Jonathan: can we visit her burial?

everyone looks at him with eyes widen, Jonathan shake his head thinking that everyone won't agree with that because of what have Y/N done to them after all of those good things that they did for her.

Head: I wanna come.

Fieldy: me too.

Munky, David also Jonathan glance at them.

Munky: If Head and Fieldy are going, I'll go too.

David: I think that wasn't that bad, I'll go too.

Because of his friends response Jonathan smile at them, they decided that they'll gonna visit her burial.

When the final day of your burial came, Korn were there to see you one last time. They are standing in front of your close casket.

Jonathan: I'm sorry Y/N if I say something bad to you when you kidnapped us *sad tones*

Munky: I understand you why you did that to us and I already forgive you.

Fieldy: I wish your soul is in the better place now.

Head: I always remember the happy moment with you.

David: I will forget all the things that you do when you kidnapped us, you will always in our heart and we will never forget you, we will love you.

The boys throw a flowers on your coffin while crying and say good bye to you. Your grandmother walk closer to them after your coffin is buried six feet under.

Grandmother: I want to thank the five of you, since you gave her a chance to became happy even though that's only a little time of her life. To be honest your the only one who became her friends since you knew how others treat her.

Jonathan: I understand her that's why I feel sad when I didn't help her.

Munky: We're sorry that we didn't save her.

Grandmother: You don't need to say sorry on me, I understand before her birthday comes she gave me something on me that's so important to her and I guess she will be happy your going to keep this.

Your grandmother gave the necklace to Jonathan. That necklace is one of the important gift to you because that's the only thing that her mother left. They all knew the story of that necklace that's why Jonathan get it and keep it for you since he became close to you.

When the burial finished they walk through to their cars and start new chapter of their life.

••••••••••••• THE END •••••••••••••

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