Chapter 5

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When Dani woke up Lauren was still in the same spot, an immobile ball.

Dani slowly got out of bed and went over to check on her, "Hey Lauren." Dani shook the girl. Lauren's eyes slowly opened looking around lazily. Once her eyes locked on Dani she jumped up wrapping her jacket back around her quicker than Dani thought possible. Lauren looked around rapidly before starting to run out, problem is she ran right into Amy, one of Dani's older sisters, and fell on her already injured arm. Lauren whimpered getting up and reaching her arm out to Amy who was on the ground. Her good hand was shaking and she wasn't hiding her fear very well. Lauren gulped trying to calm herself down. Amy stood up and dusted herself off a shocked but also disgusted look on her face. Dani was shocked Amy was little miss sunshine in her family.

"Get your murderous paws off of me." Lauren quickly retracted her hand biting her lower lip and storming out of the house. Lauren sniffled trying to hold back tears deciding school was better off without her today. Every step she took felt like it weighed a ton knowing where she was going. She took a deep breath walking into the deserted place.
Lauren took a bag out of her jacket. It had a mix of drugs in it. To anyone it would seem like a drug cocktail but not Lauren. These were her lifesavers, her best friends since she went to that orphanage. She sat on the stone cold bench looking at the lifeless statues. She took one of each pill before laying on the bench. Lauren knew she had gotten worse since she stopped going to therapy. Which was when she left the orphanage.

"Why'd you have to die?" Lauren muttered closing her eyes for a nap. "You ruined my life!" Lauren yelled breaking down in tears opening her eyes to look at the two tombstones in front of her.

Now back at Dani's house there was an argument between the sisters going on. "What was that for Amy?" Amy glared at Dani her used to be closest friend but when Dani entered high school she changed.

Now that Amy knew why she changed, she resented her.

Doing drugs, her little sister was better than that, "She's killed your friends, my friends. She's murderous." Amy said tearing up out of reminisce and anger.

"She didn't make them do drugs. She didn't make me. I found her." And with that Dani left the house to try to apologize to Lauren.

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