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Hey lovely people out there.

So after 7 months of making you all wait I am here with the update.

I am you all have not forgotten this book.

Happy Reading to you all!!


Switched off since two days. Her phone is coming switched off since that day, the day we last met. Shantanu just couldn't think of anything than the fact that her phone is switched since the day they last met. He checked her whatsapp last seen which also showed last seen dated two days ago date and time. I should call her ones. He thought to himself but as soon as his fingers scrolled down her name from contacts list he froze, because he thought what will he say if she picks it up?

"Okay so we have reached. You guys get out I'll go park the car." Palki said. "But where are we?" Shantanu asked curiously while getting out of the car. "At Vrushika's place." Mohit replied him. "ohh." Shantanu murmured. "kya Maheshwari tu kahan khoya hua hai? Abhi toh we all discussed about going to Vrushika's place to check where she is." Palki said while coming towards them.

"Chalo lets go.." they all proceeded towards her house. Shantanu being the last one to enter the building stood behind everyone and waited for the door to be opened. Simmi opened the door and greeted all of them with a big smile and when her eyes met with Shantanu her big smile was gone and all she could greet him was a "Hi."

They all got in and settled on the couch and then Palki asked about Vrushika. "Where is Vrushy Sam? Her phone is also coming switched of since a day." "Actually her phone is off since two days.. its broken. And she was down with fever so wasn't in contact with any." Sam replied looking, rather staring at Shantanu's face. She could see the vulnerable expression on his face.

Shantanu after listening to Sam was lost in his own world. His heart continuously kept on blaming him for the condition she was in right now and mind was of the opposite opinion. He absolutely had no ideas as to what happened with her when she left the studio after that dreadful confession, dreadful at least for him. Amidst the never ending fight of heart and brain he was losing. All he wanted to see that moment was whether she is fine now or not?

But the question that was continuously nagging him was does he has that power of face her after what happened? Do they have that will of seeing each other? On one hand he wanted to see her and on the other hand he wasn't able to come to a decision. While his self-talk session was on he didn't hear Palking calling him. He was brought back to reality when Jack poked him.

"Shantanu. Where are you so lost? Since the time all met today you are getting lost somewhere again and again. Is everything fine?" Palki asked him. "Nothing, nothing. I am fine." Shantanu replied straightening himself. "Fine, chalo lets go and check how Vrushika is." Palki asked Shantanu standing up. "What? Me? No! No, no, no!" Shantanu again talk with himself. "Shantanu chalooo.." Palki said in irritated tone. Having no option left Shantanu got up and followed Palki towards Vrushika's room.

They were about to enter her room when Palki's phone started ringing and she excused to pick up the call and asked Shantanu to go in. Shantanu after a good 30 seconds of boosting his courage twisted the knob of the door and tried to locate Vrushika's location. After scanning the room he saw her sitting on the swing facing the window and lying like a lifeless body. That sight of hers pinched right into his heart. She was in the terrible condition.

She was known to everyone for the cheerfulness which she always brought with her. And right now she was like a dead body. Her condition was making him blame himself. He wanted to go to her and hug her tight and just caress her. He wanted to remove all the pains that she was going through. He wanted to do so much to cure her but he can't. He just cannot do anything. The incidents of 2 days back came into his mind and all the concerns for her vanished. His mind tried to bring all those flashes back. His mind was compelling him to hate her and was succeeding too. His heart's voice was falling into deaf ears. His heart was surrendering in-front of mind. He was getting filled with anger and was about to leave to be stopped by "She was a friend too." Heart said surrendering.


I hope you all liked it.

Do let me know what you feel about the build-up of the book.

Until next time

~Meghna xD

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