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Hello People!!

I know long time no see :P

But here I am back with another installment of this story.

Don't forget to drop in your views about the update.. :)

Happy Reading!! 


He went inside her room and stood right behind where she was sitting. He stood there staring at her for a good 2 minutes and she remained in the same position without even an inch of movement. She was in an extremely bad condition, he could easily sense it. His eyes sored and heart ached to see her devastated condition. Tears were on the verge of his eyelids to pour down.

He sniffed and wiped his nose slightly and moved his other hand towards her shoulder. He was about to touch her when he heard her speaking "Sam please I am fine. You just don't have to worry about me so much. I promise to give me some time and I'll move on from everything." Her words of "moving on" somewhere deep down in his heart pinched him. His heart sulked hearing those words which indirectly meant that she will move on from him. With that sulking feeling, he kept his hand on her shoulder and said "Shantanu. Shantanu"

She turned immediately to see whether he really was here or was this event one of those hallucinating nightmares that she was having frequently since that evil night. Yes hallucinating about him were nightmares for her. He was nothing but a nightmare for her. And seeing him stand in front of her is like living that nightmare for her. She had never expected to see him this soon after what happened between them two days ago. His presence proved her yet again that she is no important to him. And her heart broke all over again.

He stood there with his teeth tightly clutched as if he was trying to swallow the anger which he was feeling when she misunderstood him as Sam. He was of the opinion that if she ever loved him then how she couldn't recognize him? Come on isn't this what we see in movies and dramas that if you loved someone truly then you can sense their presence around you. But little did he know that this opinion was just a mere tool to camouflage the hurt feeling that stung his heart when she didn't register his presence and referred him as Sam.

"What are you doing here?" Vrushika spoke to break this uncomfortable silence that was residing between them. She tried to pretend strong and unaffected in front of her. "I.. I came to call you.. Palki ma'am sent me.. Everyone is waiting for you." Shantanu struggled to speak in the starting but completed his sentence. Her act of bravery was successful too as Shantanu failed to see through her and see that she was pretending at this moment.

"Fine, I am coming. You should leave now." Her sentence was straight to the point and she very easily made him feel that he is that person with whom she is least interested to talk. Listening to her he turned to leave only to be stopped her sore words "if you have anything to convey to me please don't bother to come here yourself ask Sam she will convey. I don't want you to feel forced or anything." Her words went through straight slicing his heart into millions of pieces. He never ever expected her to behave like this with him. He never expected that she will turn this cold towards him. He wasn't able to take her rough behavior anymore and rushed outside her room straight away to get some fresh air.

As soon as he left Vrushika ran and bolted the door. She dropped down on the floor and cried harder. Tears were falling down her eyes but there was no sound of cries. If anyone sees her like this he will die a thousand deaths. Her tears were not stopping despite her tries. After a long battle of composing herself finally, she was able to stop those never-ending tears.

She stood up and went to the washroom and after a couple of minutes came outside and changed her clothes, which she was wearing since yesterday, to fresh ones. She applied little blush on her face to hide the fluffy cheeks and eyes which were the result of her non-stop cries. She checked herself once again before going out.

While looking at herself in the mirror she promised that this is the last time she is crying for him. She will rise from this condition and will show him that she has her own identity without him. She will make him regret what he did to her. She will make him feel that throwing her out of his life was a mistake. She isn't trash that anyone can throw her away whenever they want. She will prove him and world her worth. With this determined feeling, she walked towards the door unbolted it and went out.


Next update may be this week or next.. :p

Actually depends on the response it gets.. Lol...  :p

~Meghzz xD

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