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🌻 Summer thing 🌻
[ Chapter six ]
Annie's POV

It was the last day in our tents, one more sleep before we would move into the cabins. It's been a little cold and breezy the past couple of days. Me and Asher haven't spoken since last time, cause my dad forbids us to speak. He and his family would offer get invited to our barbecues so my dad made sure he was far away from me. No one really knew why he didn't want Asher to be near me. I guess he was just trying to protect me from me getting hurt.

It was one of those days again. I needed to get wood for the barbecue tonight since the Angels are invited again. During the barbecues me and Asher would often longingly stare at each other and blush, I always made sure to turn my head before my dad sees us. Which most of the time would fail.

Caleb seems to notice as well lately, he has been telling me he is the biggest ashannie shipper. He always tried to get me and Asher in a private conversation without my dad knowing but we haven't succeeded yet. Tonight we would try plan B, not to get my dad away from the group but have us leave their company.

"Be back by 6" my dad called instructing me to go get wood this time. I've always secretly hoped Asher would be there to. No success so far.

I arrived at our usual place to get wood and saw a shirtless body cutting wood into smaller pieces. I tried to quietly walk over to him and surprise him. My plan failed by me falling flat on my face. I heard shifting which was followed by a soft chuckle. "You okay Julie?" I shot my head up to meet his eyes. I got up and nodded uncontrollably.

If my dad found out Asher was standing right in front of me he would kill both of us. I kept my head down low looking at my feet, getting more nervous by the second. He tried pulling up my face with his fingers but I kept my head down strong. "Annie?" He sounded hurt which made a few tears slide down my cheeks.

Without replying I walked away from him and started collecting wood. He just turned around and looked at every move I made. For the next few minutes it stayed like that, but that changed when I tried to walk away and he stopped me not letting me go. I tried getting lose from his grip but with no success. "Did I do something wrong Julianna?" I stopped by the sound of him calling me Julianna. He never called me that, always something like; Anna, Annie or Julie. "What did I do to you, Julianna?! Tell me please."

"Nothing" I said giving in my silence and dropping all the wood that was in my hands. "Then why do you keep acting like this? What have I done wrong?" He looked so hurt.

"I already told you you did nothing, it's all my dad. You haven't done nothing wrong, tho he keeps judging you because your a boy. You haven't done anything to give him the right to judge you. If he finds out you're talking to me he would kill you right here, right now." Tears we're streaming down my face.

"Why?" Was all he said in response.

"My ex, he doesn't want me to get hurt again so he has cut out every boy from my life." I said looking down. More tears fell from my eyes.

"It's okay Annie. I'll prove him wrong trust me." I looked in his eyes for the first time, his eyes were glossy in the sunset. He closed his eyes which made me confused, did he fall asleep or something?

My confusion cleared up when I felt his soft lips connect to mine. This was our second kiss and I didn't hesitate this time before I kissed back. He made me have shivers down my spine. I run my hand through his hair taking out some leftover wood chips.

"Julianna Grace Leblanc!" A strict voice yelled making me pull away, Asher didn't want to pull away and kept trying to kiss me. I laid my hand on his chest to prevent him from doing anything. I recognize the voice and shut my eyes, opening them slowly to look behind Asher. My dad stood there with his arms crossed.


Sorry for not uploading yesterday
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