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Namjoon walked down to the calming river. Isn't it funny how somewhere he almost died became his favorite spot to hang out. The glistening water... The sounds of birds and people... Wasn't it just beautiful?

As he walked towards the cherry blossom tree that was growing buds of flowers, you could see a silhouette of a man. A man who was writing something in a black book.

Namjoon just smiled and stood there for a minute. Yoongi always looked so peaceful and content when he started writing something. It could be song lyrics, a story, just random words... And somehow it all just fit. What can he do that wasn't the opposite of horrible?

Finally getting out of his thoughts and gaze, he walked up to the man and plopped himself right down.

"You're lucky you came just on time. I was going to leave before you sat down." Yoongi said with a monotone voice.

"Well, how could you? You were just writing something down in that book of yours. If you were going to leave... How could you have known the time?" Namjoon said as his throat almost constricted. Why was he saying this knowing the other would get mad right away?!

"Tch. Shut up will you? Give me a swing of that." Yoongi said before reaching over and grabbing the bottle of alcohol. "You want some before I drown this?" He asked. Joon just shook his head no. Knowing that he didn't really like drinking. The only time he did was when he just wanted to forget everything. At least for a night.

"All right, suit yourself." Yoongi said before taking a long drink. "Ahh~ This always hits the spot." He exclaimed before setting the bottle on the grass. But why was it that Joon was here? Was there a reason?

"H-Hyung..." He said in a small voice.


"Why is it whenever we part ways... We don't talk for at least a month? Why must we always continue this pattern?" He asked, knowing he won't get an answer. Like always.

"Did you see that new movie yet?" Yoongi said, effectively changing the subject. Joon didn't want him to leave just yet.. So he played along.

"Which movie hyung? There are hundreds of movies coming out by the second. You gotta specify." Namjoon said with a small chuckle.

"Train to Busan..." Yoongi trailed off looking at the river.

"Hyung... That came out two years ago. Its not new."

"Yea.. Maybe I'm thinking of something else..." Yoongi said while looking the the same spot. Meanwhile Joon had been looking at Yoon for the whole time. How long ago was it when they first met? 3 years ago? Damn... Yoongi was much different than the closed off jerk he is today... He was bright... Outgoing... Caring, sweet... Everything about him was amazing. But something happened. What excatly was it? He didn't know. He didn't know at all. He had only known his hyung for a year before changing. But did he already fall head over heels in that amount of time? Yes. But why? Shouldn't he have left by now?

"Namjoon. I have to go now. I'll text you later ok?" Yoongi said interrupting his thoughts.

"Ah- oh. Ok~ Goodluck, and have a good day!" He said cheerfully, hoping to make Yoongi smile. Just for once.

Alas. That did not happen. But hey. Did he leave because of anger? No... This was a step up.

And just with a nod of his head, Yoongi left with the bottle and pizza in hand.

To Be Continued...

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