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"No... nonono this can't be happening..? Right?  My baby wouldn't do this to himself... right?"  Yoongi thought as he frantically rushed to grab the small body out of the bathtub. He looked around for anything to stop the blood still flowing from the man's wrists. As he tied the small towels around the wrist, he shakily pulled out his phone and dials the all to familiar number.

"119, What's your emergency?"


The rest of the night was a blur for Yoongi. All he remembered was that the paramedics came to the house and they rushed Namjoon to the hospital. They didn't allow him to get in the car because he wasn't "family." Well, he was a loved one so shouldn't that be enough?

So here he was... Sitting down in that cold white room. With him wallowing in his own sadness. Everything was... his fault. It was his fault that Namjoon did this. Because he got mad at the poor boy, cause he yelled. Then proceded to ignore him for the following months... For fuck's sake! Why was he so stupid? If he just told himself to suck it up sooner or to do something better, everything would have been fine. Namjoon wouldn't be in the hospital. And he wouldn't be stuck in the wallowing silence of the waiting room.

And throughout this whole ordeal of Yoongi waiting for the doctor to tell him that Namjoon was ok, he forgot about one thing.


Fucking Hoseok.

He was going to kill him.


Hoseok was a mess once he came home. His door was wide open, the place looked like someone or something destroyed the place. He walked around picking up everything he could and putting it back to where it originally was. What the hell happened? Then a thought hit him.

"Namjoon?" He called out. "Namjoon?! Where are you? Come on now, please don't scare me like this... NAMJOON. Quit playing!" He yelled out while rushing around. Then he slowly opened the door to the bathroom.  There you could see some dried blood stains and the water... It was deeply concerning. Just as he was going to start and panic, he got a phone call.

Kim Taehyung Is Calling! Do You Wish To Accept?

Hoseok didn't hesitate to pick up.

"Hyung?! Hello?!" Taehyung said with a panicked voice.

"What's going on Tae?! I came home and Namjoon was missing and-"

"Hyung! Namjoon is in the hospital! Get your ass down here like right now! We are just waiting..."

Hoseok paused. "What do you mean by 'we'?"

"I... You're not gonna like it... Just get down here..."

Beep Beep Beep


Hoseok ran quickly into the hospital and looked around for Taehyung. What happened? Where was Namjoon? Was he here? Did he get into an accident as usual... or what?

After a while, he finally found his "friend." But what he didn't realize at the moment was that Yoongi was there. Of course. This little shit was always here. It was always him.

Without thinking and seeing red, he ran up to Yoongi and punched him.

"You're the reason Namjoon is like this!" Hoseok yelled out as he pulled Yoongi up and pushed him against the wall. "Do you even know the pain you caused him?! Huh?! Answer me!"

"H-Hobi..." Yoongi said meekly.

"You have no right to call me that prick-"

"Excuse me, gentlemen, are you all here for a Kim Namjoon?" A voice suddenly called out. Hoseok let go of Yoongi and slowly straightened out his shirt.

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