What is smARTy all about?

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(A/N That's definitely the Beethoven's 5th Symphony genesis

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(A/N That's definitely the Beethoven's 5th Symphony genesis.)

"People understand me so poorly that they don't even understand my complaint about them not understanding me." Søren Kierkegaard

Sounds familiar?

Now, you are probably  wondering... what this book will be about?

The main idea of "Smarty" is to make poetry and song lyrics more accessible. I hope, that this will be the place for Readers to get the exclusive insight into creations and for the Authors get the recognition they deserve.

How this is going to work?

In each part an Author will deconstruct one of their works.

Is there an interesting story or inspiration behind it? Was it an event, certain song, person?

Maybe this is a misunderstood work and the Readers didn't knew the genesis behind it all this time?

Here you will find the answers for these questions.

Let it be a place for a stories, that needs to be told...

Stay tuned.


I don't own any rights to the works presented in the future chapters. All of the works are used with acknowledgement and permission of the Authors.

Any resemblance to similar websites is purely coincidental.

This especially applies to you, Genius Lyrics!

(A/N Okay, in terms of visuals I'm clearly poking fun at Genius. I assure you, that despite that, Authors will be treated seriously.)

If you want to be the part of smARTy, feel free to send me a message 


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