🎈Marking It's Territory 🎈

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A harsh chill ran through my body "everyone floats?" I sit there quietly in my play pin I know he sensed the fear because he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply when he finally opened his eyes they were a bright orange " I'm hungry. Are you hungry? " He asked me as if he was a friend asking if we can grab a bite to eat or something. I slowing shake my head no, Pennywise looked enraged so I quickly nodded yes to please him which worked, with now smiling Pennywise " Carry?" He was offering to carry me? I was confused for a second I didn't want him to carry me again I needed to create some distance between us so I can figure out how to escape.  He leads the way to the disturbing pile of bodies.

I love a good murder story or any unsolved murder at that. I heard Donna talking to Dylan about how every 27 years children go missing around Derry that wasn't enough to scare me though I've had my fair share of dead bodies and rotting corpses but that's a story for another time. We make our way to the pile he glances over to me to see my reaction I was horrified " Ch-children?" There had to be 30 of them just floating around with missing limbs, drips of blood still falling to the grown here and there I glance over to Pennywise who somehow already made his way to the top of the pile, what a demon. As a bear reaching for honey he picked a floating limb as if picking a ripe fruit he sits down of the edge with his legs wide and slides down the pile and stops right in front of me with a child's right arm in his hands and began to feast. Ugh. Seeing that kids arm just dangling and seeing Pennywise's mouth opening revealing rows of sharp teeth  more teeth then an actual shark he started tugging away at the flesh which made me sick to my stomach I almost threw up I fall to the floor covering my mouth, I couldn't even look at him He's a monster...better yet a demon of some sort. A demon that feast on young kids flesh it made my stomach hurt I could only imagine how scared they were and how loud they must've screamed for there mommy's, he stops eating. He says with blood all over his face and dripping down his chin, "Pennywise has to hunt. Pennywise must feast." On kids though? Why not a a hobo or a wanted criminal! A young kid who's life was taken far too soon my heart grew heavy the floor felt colder than before I get up and turn around returning to my play pin I hear him say in between devouring that poor child " Pennywise must feast I can't leave my baby all alone~" by then I turned around and gave him the cold shoulder he didn't care it went on eating I sit in my play pin the words echoing in my head "I can't leave my baby alone" alone? I don't like being left alone. I start thinking of my childhood , yes I don't like being alone I never have since mom passed I sucked it up all these years Pennywise's words brought a comfort to me. It was so bizarre. I understand why he eats so much he's much larger than a average human and he's obviously not of this earth... I'm dealing with a demigod.

I didn't hear him pulling apart the flesh anymore when I looked over to the pile he was gone nothing but a small pile of bones were left. I get up I need to go home! I turned around and dashed to the nearest tunnel but stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Pennywise suddenly blocking the entrance his eyes were blue now he stood there just a dazed  " P-P-Pennywise?" I stutter. For some reason he puts fear into my heart. A feeling I haven't felt in years.

It was as if a switch turned on he suddenly looks at me and leans in close towards my face inches away from my lips " Where ya goin, Doll?" He grins, Too close! He's WAY too close I try to step back to keep some space between us but he took his hands and put it under my arm pits and lifted me up to his eye level so I had no choice BUT to look at him, looking at him so closely like this he looked so cute his eyes were so beautiful the color was a calm blue it reminded me of the ocean I couldn't take my eyes off him. The color also reminded me of a necklace my mother gave to me once, it was a blue pearl necklace Pennywise face looked so beautiful minus his enormous forehead his cheeks were so round they looked so pinch-able and those full red lips.... looked, well so kissable. Too busy admiring his oddly cute face I had no idea how angry he was getting his voice got deep and raspy " I asked you a question." I come back to my senses "I wish to leave this place." He looked at me angry and puzzled I remain calm that's all I can do right now, one wrong move and I'm dead for sure. " Why? You're my toy. I haven't played with you enough yet! I'll be bored if you go! You're min-" he stopped talking...it seemed like he came to a realization of something he then released me  which resulted in me falling and landing right on my ass. Shit, that hurt! I start rubbing my butt hoping that it'll ease the pain I looked up at Pennywise who'd already been starring at me " I just got an idea~" he smiled before pouncing on me I gasp at the sudden movement now he's on top of me his body so much larger than mine his hands so much bigger than mine.            
" Penny-" he cuts me off                                           
" I'll make you mine~"  he puts both of my arms over my head and holds them tight with one hand and starts ripping off my shirt with the other.
" Wait!" I started Shouted he didn't stop he started licking my neck leading down to my bra that was exposed I started kicking and moving about but that only seemed to excite him more " Oooh babydoll~ you taste so good" He starts licking my chest thank god my bra was in the way his tongue was so long . He comes back up to my neck and looked me dead in my eye smiling " This'll hurt a lot~" he laughs. Huh? With no time to process what he meant Pennywise bites my neck his buck teeth pierces my skin like knives he started sucking the blood pouring out of my neck I wanted to scream bloody murder but no one would hear me, occasionally he would stop sucking to see if I was still awake one of his eyes had wondered off I didn't know if he was concerned or flat out unbothered that I was starting to get light headed he stopped sucking and then looked at me." You taste so good~"  The pain was too hard to bare I started crying " Not yet." He releases me and sits back and watches me as I cry out in pain I cover the wound with my hand his eyes began to focus on me  and his smile vanished.

He sounded like a kid " Are you hurt?" Hell yeah I'm hurt! You done sucked away at me for almost 15 minutes straight I'm surprised I'm even conscious. He grabbed me by the shoulders and opened his mouth I closed my eyes thinking yup. This is the end Ava. I quickly open my eyes back up when I felt something moist on my neck Pennywise was licking my wound? His tongue felt thick and warm he let go of my shoulders and put his tongue slithered back into his mouth he looked at me waiting for my next move I didn't know what to do so I tried to cover myself as much as I could he still had blood on his lips he leaned in and kissed me.

" You're mine now, Babydoll."

And with the snap of his fingers everything went black.


Woah!!!! 58 readers AND I'm number 17th on the Daddywise tag wow. Thanks for reading guys!

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