25 Suck It And See

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He enters the club from the back, already not in the best mood due to what he knew he was going to have to sit through tonight. It wasn't only you flaunting your bouncing bits about but that you were doing it where others would see. Your enthusiasm for such a thing isn't something he understands but he knows it's not his place to interfere. He doesn't like the feeling he pushes down deep that sits green and angry in his gut. You had been nervous, your usual tells he witnessed before you left your house, but there had been this intoxicating twinkle in your eyes that he hadn't seen before.

He gets the urge to check on you before he settles but before his feet carry him in that direction, he changes his mind. Perhaps, it's best if he doesn't. If there was ever anything wrong, you'd let him know. He never had to worry about you voicing something you needed to him, especially on a job. Which this was. He needed to remind himself of that. He sits far from the floor in a secluded booth. He wasn't chancing you being cheeky and trying to use him in the show. He was going to sit back and watch this all unfold and be of use if there was one for him. He hoped there wouldn't be.

He takes out his pocket watch, and stretches his jaw, taking a deep breath and leaning back in his seat, surveying the crowded, buzzing room under an unapproachable heavy brow. He's watching some boys changing the stage lights for your set until he sees Tommy coming his way.

"Not going to sit closer?" he asks, sitting down slowly in the secluded booth across from Alfie, he subtly motions his head towards the stage.

"Don't wanna be seen too close to nuffin'." he grumbles, shaking his head, still not meeting eyes.

"You're not taking advantage of the situation? " Tommy replies in his vaguely condescending way, making Alfie turn only his eyes towards his.

"What's to be taken advantage of?" he asks, lips open under a constant furrowed brow.

"After being so close to her for so long now, I thought you might indulge yourself a bit tonight with taking in the show." he gives as an excuse, a slight shrug of a shoulder accompanies the statement. "What with how little clothes she wears around her house." he says with humor in his voice.

"Despite that being true, I'm not." he answers flatly, eyes distant, looking at nothing particular in the room, his bottom lip protrudes just slightly in his annoyance.

"I thought you'd be enjoying yourself tonight but I see I can be wrong." he says, in defense of himself against the darkness sitting behind the man's eyes. "Must be harder to live with than I thought." he adds, looking down, a taunt to give him information on Alfie's moodiness.

"It could be." he states in the same tone.

Tommy rolls his eyes up to see Alfie, only short of a few millimeters of a pout with the way he was scowling.

"The plan is to wait for him to send someone to speak to her, set the meet up in the dressing room, she does the rest."

"And I then take her home?"

"I'm sure after you see her dance you'll want to." Tommy says with a short-lived raised brow and subtle smile at Alfie's expense.

"I've seen her dance." he responds, his face tight and clearly distracted.

"And did you want to take her home?" Tommy asks, crossing his legs and leaning on the back of the seat.

Alfie's wordless response of an open mouth stuttering with a slow blink of eyes and a rushed shake of his head before he stares at the stage telling Tommy all he really needs to hear.
Tommy isn't in sight when the lights lower over the stage, making Alfie relieved. This was going to be something enough to deal with even without his unwelcome remarks and insinuating glances. He sees spotlights appear on the stage curtains.

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