56 Knee Socks

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A knock to the door of the bedroom wakes you both. You barely flutter your lashes before keeping them closed again.

"Yeah. Fuckin'..." he clears his throat. "Yes Magda we'll be down." he shouts before laying back down behind you, both arms wrapping around your body as you smile. He pulls you to him. "Fuckin' c'mere." he grunts out, tone playful already for just having been woken up. He murmurs into your hair, kisses soon follow, pecks to your neck and shoulders where he lingers.

You move your hands to his forearms, letting out a yawn, nails raking gently across the fuzzy, solid arms that held you tight. "Lemme turn to see you." you whine, pouting still when he finally lays eyes on your sleepy face. "There's my handsome man." you coo, shutting your eyes again before your arms finish wrapping around his neck, bringing your lips together for your favorite sort of kiss. So lazy and slow in the mornings, deep grunts and groans, bodies so warm and his hot hands roaming across your back and bum.

"Mornin' gorgeous," he says purrs as you pull back from the kiss, leaving your fingers in his hair, combing through the messy crown as it'd gotten so long. "Never said it before, but now I 'spose I can, he grins, eyes only half open, hand moving from it's firm grip on your bum to pushing back your messy nest of hair. "Your hair is particularly splendid in the morning, you know 'at?" he says in a sigh.

"Particularly large and unruly." you say with a soft laugh.

"'Ats what I like 'bout it." he grumbles before giving you another kiss. "Look like some sort of fluffy, long-haired jungle cat." his deep hoarse laugh makes goosebumps break out across your skin.

"You like the wild woman look?" you inquire with a loving tone.

"Mmmph." he nods. "Reckon so." he grins, eyes finally blinking open fully. "Suits you." he adds before letting out a loud groan and shaking with a stretch. You see the half curly and half kinked curls fall across your chest and stomach, you'd just have to take his word that unkempt was attractive on you. "Would you like breakfast, love?" he asks, scratching his head and looking down at you.

"Yes, I'm starving." you say, following his lead and taking a long, indulgent stretch ending in a squeak.

He rises from the bed and in the light of the early morning you get to see him move in all his glory. Tattoos across his arms and shoulders, shifting as the lean muscle moved, pushing himself off the bed and followed down to the bulky arse and thighs of him as he moved to pick up your dress from the floor, laying it across a chair before opening his wardrobe to put on pants.

"Should I wear that to breakfast?" you say with a laugh, pointing to your dress.

"Nah, nah." he shakes his head and hand, tossing your underwear at you, then one of his loose linen shirts. He shuffles through a drawer to throw a pair of thick socks at you. You lay back and shimmy into the clothing, only clasping a few buttons on the shirt as you rest of the end of the bed as he runs his fingers through his hair to slick it back in the mirror. "Don't get up yet, sweetheart." he wags a finger at you as you start to stand.

Your brows raise in question, watching him move to the door.

"Got a surprise." he says with a mischievous grin before opening the door.

It clicks open and you hear a snort from the other side. The huge wrinkly head of a mastiff pokes through much to your surprise. You both lock eyes and freeze. He doesn't seem sure what to do with this strange lady in his owner's bed and you don't know what to do with this gigantic dog in your boyfriend's bedroom. He looks to Alfie curiously for direction.

"Go on, say 'ello to Genny." he says, motioning his hand in your direction. The big pup's ears perk up at your name a soft snort coming from him as you lower your hand for him to sniff.

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