29 I'm Shakin'

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He hears you squealing, he believes it to be a happy squeal as he's started to learn to translate your loud vocal expressions at this point. As it is a Saturday, and just after sunrise, he does not rush as he moves the cover back over his typewriter.

You are currently holding a slender man's face in both your hands and covering him in noisy kisses as he indulges your affectionate notions with a reluctantly happy expression.

He's barely taller than you, his hair accounting for part of that height as it is coiffed and styled in a shiny arrangement as per the current trend. He has very dark hair and eyes, similar to yours.

"Your glasses are just darling on you Fred!" you say, touching the dark tortoiseshell squared frames before retreating your hands. He nods to the glasses in your hair.

"Look like you have them now too. We're getting fucking old Genevieve." he says with a grin.

"Don't get me started Freddie." you groan with a smile, shaking your head.

"Looks like you've gone and gotten rather plump on me Genevieve." he says smacking the side of one of your breasts with a snort of laughter.

"And what of it ya cow?" you say grabbing his face with both hands, squeezing his cheeks. You both start laughing at each other.

"I might've missed you a bit, you harlot." he says with a warmer smile after you release his face and wrap your arms around his neck again.

"I missed you, you twat." you purr contently, giving him a final squeeze as you hear Alfie clear his throat. "Speaking of..." you whisper as you pull away before introducing your boys to each other.

"Freddie meet Alfie Solomons." you declare, walking towards Alfie as if he were a show pony, hand extended and showing him off with a smile.

Freddie approaches Alfie with an intrigued look on his face, not predatory, merely observant. He reaches his hand out to Alfie who takes it in both of his enthusiastically, "I've heard much about you Freddie. Gen's been proper excited about you comin' in, she has. Ain't ya luv?" he says, nodding his head at you. You smile at his welcoming demeanor, feeling charmed yourself, knowing Freddie was enjoying being the target of it.

"I've heard about you as well." he almost gives away too much of your giggled phone conversations about the man in front of him as he shoots his eyes over to you. "I figured I'd learn more after this dress fitting today though." he says with a calm confidence, measuring up Alfie.

"Ah. Well, I won't keep ya from ya gossip then. I know Gen's excited about that dress." he says with a nod, moving over to you. "Ya gonna be at tea, luv? Or should I let the girls know ya takin' it in yer room?" he asks, his eyes warm and easy going under his strong brow. You're taken aback by the gesture, a strange lump in your throat appears suddenly. His arm around your back, the caring feeling of the question, oddly touched you out of the blue. The realization that he was considering you and your needs to the point of wondering ahead of time about your meals made you blink slowly at him. He shoots you a very subtle look of questioning.

"We'll be at tea." you say quietly, looking at his lips a second too long.
"Viktor is making one of Freddie's favorites since we won't be in for dinner." you continue to speak softly, that Freddie can't even hear you, as his face leans closer still to yours. Alfie smiles down at you, not knowing where this bashful girl had come from.

"Ya goin' out tonight?" he asks in a soft tone that matched your own, not wanting to startle you further as your back straightens under the movement of his fingers against your back.

"Yes...maybe go to the opera or something. I planned on winging it." you admit with a huff of a laugh, a half smile managed beneath your wide eyes.

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