He Finds You Asleep

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Nathan had came home from work and he was calling your nane when he saw you curled up on the couch. You had music playing but it didn't seem to be bothering you. Nathan picked you up and took you to the bedroom where he lays yoy down gently and covers you with a blanket. He kissed your forhead and he went to the attic to look through work business.


Sam had came home from working with Sully when he had dropped his bag on the floor and saw you asleep on the bed. He smiled to himself and took off his shoes plus shirt. Sam layed down next to you and pulled you close to his chest while his hand played with your hair. Sam watched over you and eventually he passed out with you.


Rafe had finished up talking to his employee when he saw you curled up on the couch. He smiled to himself as he went to pick you up and take you to the bedroom. He layed you down gently and covered you with a blanket. Rafe layed next to you and he pulled you close to him as he rested his eyes as well.


Harry had came home from working with Chloe when he saw you asleep on the bed. You had papers scattered throughout the bed and your laptop was playing soft music. Harry picked up all the papers and stopped the musuc on your laptop. He smiled abd kissed your forhead before covering you up and getting in the shower.

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