** CHAPTER - {9} **

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( In previous part... We saw how Neil drop his challenge... But destiny brings them even closer )

Jai: Hello Neil!

Neil: He shows his anger on him? He pushes him and he goes out...

Jai: What happen ram? Why he is angry?

Ram: Oh actually jai what happened is? Did he start explaining the problem?

Jai: That why his mood his off?

Ram: Yes! This is the matter? Jai give any idea to convince Neil?

Jai: He smiles... ram come with me?

Ram: Where jai?

Jai: You just come with me?

( After a few minutes they reached Neil house with joker costume )

Ram: Jai are you sure?

Jai: Yes I'm sure... He won't identify us...

Ram: He rang the doorbell?

Neil: He opens the door? He is shocked to see them?

( Ram and jai look each other )

Jai: Did Neil identify us?

Ram: I don't think so?

Neil: I know you guys...

( They both shocked )

Ram: He beat jai...

Jai: Why you are beating me?

Ram: You told me Neil won't identify us?

Neil: He started laughing seeing they fight..

Jai: Ram stops it... Look Neil is laughing...

Neil: Guys come inside...

Ram: Finally you smiled...

Jai: He brings to the beer bottle to him?

( They three enjoy together and slept in the Neil house )

( In the morning )

( Alarm sound )

Ram: Jai switches off the alarm...

Neil: He wakes up and he took the phone he opens his eyes time is 8.00 o clock... Jai and ram wake time is 8...

Jai: What? Today I have an important meeting?

Ram: I also have a car delivery today?

( Ram and jai left for their work... Neil, he goes and gets ready he took his bike he wears a helmet and he starts...)

( After a few minutes, he stops his bike in the signal... He saw some children playing he smile looking at them when he turns his face he saw jai fiance Anita with someone... He is shocked... He fellow her... He reaches a company in the same place Avni also present... He parks his bike on a corner and walks inside..)

Avni: She came out of the car.....( Some girls welcome her as a chief guest ) she smile and she walks forward she saw Neil...

Neil: He is trying to find her?

Avni: She gets angry? ( Mind voice - this Neil fellow me here also... I won't leave him easily, what he is thinking about me? ) She also gets excuses from them and she walks towards Neil... She stands behind him she touches Neil's shoulder?

Neil: Who is shocked? He catches her hand and turns her hand back?

Avni: She shouts ahaaa..... Neil! You stupid, idiot its paining...

Neil: Avni you? What are you doing here?

Avni: I should ask this question to you?

Neil: What?

Avni: Tell me, you followed me and came here also?

Neil: Are you mad? Why I should follow you?

Avni: Because you want to impress me?

Neil: What nonsense? Let's be clear I came here for some other work... So don't have any wrong thoughts about me?

Avni: What I have wrong thought about you? You are lying I catch you red-handed that why you are creating a false story?

Neil: What false story? This is a real story you believe or not I won't bother about that?

( They both fight like Tom and Jerry... While fighting Neil saw Anita coming he catch the Avni hand he hides from her )

Avni: What are you doing Neil?

Neil: Will you please keep quiet for some minutes?

Avni: You leave my hand? Does she try to take her hand from him?

( Neil who kept his finger on her lips and they both had an eye lock movement )

(A few minutes later )

Neil: He came back to his sense and he leaves her hand? Now you can go out?

Avni: Stupid?

Neil: He calls her angry bird...

Avni: She gets angry goes out...

Neil: He smiles and left the place?

( In the evening )

Neil: He is thinking about Anita?

Ram: Neil? Today every work I feel very tired?

Neil: Who is still in deep thought about her?

Ram: He touches Neil...

Neil: Ahaa...

Ram: What happens? What are you thinking?

Neil: Ram tell me one thing? What do you think about Anita?

Ram: Anita? Do you mean jai fiance who is going to marry?

Neil: Yes, I'm asking about her...

Ram: She is good and jai loves her more... Why you are asking about her?

Neil: No I just ask normally...

Ram: Okay! Neil, I feel tired I'm going home?

Neil: Fine, I'm also going home we can meet tomorrow...

( In the night )

Neela: Avni! Did you come home, how was the day today?

Avni: Not bad mom...

Neela: Why your face is sad?

Avni: Nothing mom just works tension...

Neela: As CEO of my company you should work hard...

Avni: Ma.

Neela: She smiles... What ma? These many days you enjoy your life with friends and party, now you're a working woman...

Avni: If talk to you, you take a lecture for me... Better I'm going to sleep... Good night...

( In the night )

( She is sleeping and she is dreaming about Neil... Who is troubling her sleep by telling you to love me Avni, accept you fall in love with me...She scared to wake up from the sleep... She shouts I won't love you Neil do you listen to i wont love you...She opens her eyes it was a dream... What happens to me? Why I'm dreaming about Neil? )

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