** CHAPTER - {25} **

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( Neil blames himself... Because he thinks avni suffer more pain )

( Neil came to his house )

DD: Why did you go neil? I was worried about you? Yesterday night onward you are not here? I'm asking you neil?

Neil: He doesn't respond to anything?

DD: Neil im asking you tell something neil? Don't quite like this?

Neil: He falls on the floor with teary eyes?

DD: He is shocked?

Neil: He cries out from the heart...

DD: Neil why you are crying? Tell me neil what happens?

Neil: DD avni?

DD: Avni? What happens to her?

Neil: DD i saw avni... Did he start explaining everything?

DD: Neil you are a fool? After five years you saw avni and you leave her again?

Neil: Then what i will do? Does she suffer more pain because of me? I don't want avni to suffer again?

DD: Neil you are mental? These many years you want your avni and she is back in your life but you spoiled your life again?

Neil: Whatever DD, i don't want to hurt my avni again?

DD: Neil why you are not understanding? Now you are not a single man... You are a father for your own child? Do you think about her? How she will feel? Without a father, a child can't grow? Does she want to face many difficulties? You think that if you stay from avni she will be happy but that not true she will suffer more?

Neil: No DD, she won't suffer... Because i gave the responsibility to avni to take care of my daughter from my side?

DD: Look neil, in life every person won't get a second to live... You get a second chance to live your life... Please think about this neil... ( He left )

( In hotel )

( After neil left... She realized her mistake she decided to meet neil and express her feelings)

Siya: Angel im ready... Shall we go? Where is a magic man?

Avni: Sorry princess, today i can't take you? Magic has important work so he left?

Siya: But why? You said that you will take me round Delhi?

Avni: I promise that before leaving Delhi i will take you? Please, this time i can't?

Siya: You always do like this? I hate you an angel? I hate you...

Avni: I'm a sorry princess...

( She called her friend tara )

Tara: Hello!

Avni: Tara it's me avni...

Tara: Avni after 5 years, when did you come here and why didn't you tell me anything?

Avni: Tara i will explain everything but before where you are staying?

Tara: I'm staying in the same apartment?

Avni: Okay fine, im coming there Please take care of my daughter?

( Before tara could say she cut the call and left with siya... After some time she reaches the tara house )

( she knock the door )

Tara: She opens the door? Avni?

Avni: Tara i don't have a time i want to rush immediately... Please take care, my daughter...

( She gave Siya to Tara and left to meet neil )

(She started searching neil... But she can't find him... She doesn't know his address or number... She search hotel, restaurants and many more but she can't find him? It's almost night, she returns to tara home? )

( After a few minutes... In tara house )

Tara: Where did you go avni?

Avni: She doesn't respond she was broken?

Tara: I'm asking you avni?

Avni: With teary eyes, she falls on the floor? I did a big mistake... I did a big mistake?

Tara: She is confused? What happen avni?

Avni: She huge tara? I did a big mistake tara?

Tara: She makes her sit and gave a glass of water... Now tell me what did you do?

Avni: Today i meet neil?

Tara: She is shocked? What? Did you meet at neil? When?

Avni: She started to explain everything...

Tara: Avni, you thought neil cheat you but the full mastermind is some else... But in real neil is innocent...

Avni: Without realizing i scold him very badly? Which ended in he left me again? Because of my angry?

Tara: That why you rushed to tell everything to neil?

Avni: But no use tara? I searched everywhere but i can't find him this is my fate again i lose my love?

Tara: Don't lose your confidence?

Avni: Tara please don't try to convince me? I come here for my project for one month... But only one week left to end my project? After that, i and Siya will leave the city forever?

Tara: But why avni?

Avni: If i here i will feel guilty which spoiled my work and everything and i can't let it happen? Just do me one thing?

Tara: Tell me avni?

Avni: I promised my princess that i will take her to the mall etc... I can't do that? So please take her to the mall and around Delhi? 

Tara: Okay i will take her...

Avni: Where is my princess?

Tara: Now only she slept? It's very difficult to put her to sleep...

Avni: She smiles... She goes inside and she sleeps her side...

Siya: She is blabbering... Angel... Angel...

Avni: Princess im here... You sleep...

Siya: She huge avni and sleep...

( She kissed her forehead and she also slept )

( In the morning )

Neil: He packs his bag and things? He is ready to leave for Kashmir?

DD: Good Morning neil and he shocked to see neil bags and suitcase...

Neil: DD you itself came? Leave me at the airport?

DD: What is happening neil?

Neil: DD im returning to Kashmir?

DD: What?

Neil: Yes, here is my flight ticket and you only drop me?

DD: I don't understand what is going on here?

Neil: DD you only ask me to think? I think many think... This is right, im return to Kashmir so that avni can be happy?

DD: Neil seriously you are a fool? No use of speaking to you? What about your mission?

Neil: I speak to my head officer? He will send a special force to this mission?

( Neil and avni ready to leave the city will destiny will bring Them again )

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