** CHAPTER - {17} **

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( In avni house )

Neela: Welcome avni...

Avni: Hi mom...

Neela: How was your business trip?

Avni: Don't ask me, mom, very terrible?

Neela: Why Avni? You didn't enjoy?

Avni: How I will say ma? I miss Neil so much without him I can't enjoy...

Neela: Oi Avni... Where are you?

Avni: Ma I feel tired I go and take rest...

Neela: Okay Avni you go take rest...

( Avni goes to her room and throws her suitcase and phone on the floor )

Avni: What happens, to Neil? Why he does not attend my Call? After 1 month I'm returning from London? I want to say how much i love him and miss him but sir is busy he is not ready to attend my call...

Neil: What is happening? How jai can love Avni? I love her she is mine... He doesn't have a right to love her? Before it's going out of hand i want to confirm this to Avni?

( Neil start his bike to meet Avni)

Neela: She knocks the door?

Avni: Mom comes in... I'm still awaken

Neela: Avni i came to inform you that i have arranged a party at our house?

Avni: Party? for what?

Neela: Party for your success... First, you achieve big projects and finished without any problem... Now also our company is leading... So i thought i give a small party for my daughter...

Avni: But mom... I'm not interested in party better you cancel this?

Neela: But why Avni? You like parties more than?

Avni: But this time I'm not interested? Don't waste the money you invest the party money on orphan home...

Neela: She is totally shocked... I can't believe avni is this you? You have changed a lot... Still, i can't believe my ears...

Avni: Mom I'm already tired and don't make fun of me...

Neela: Okay fine... As you said i will do?

( After minutes Neil came to avni home and stand outside... If I question this to avni she will think I'm not trusting her... I love her i can't ask this question... With the confusion, he took his bike and returned back )

( Avni send messages and call to reach Neil but he is not ready to attend call because of his confusion towards Avni )

( One day passed, both didn't meet each other, and is totally sad and doesn't have the mind to a thought anything)

( Neil is also feeling sad without seeing avni... After one month, she came back but I'm not ready to face her... I can't raise the question to her... Better i stay away from her...)

( 2 days passed and Neil didn't come to see Avni... Avni decided to meet Neil and finished work and she goes to Neil house )

( She rang the doorbell )

Neil: He opens the door and shocked to see Avni? Avni.

Avni: Ahaa it's me... Do you remember me?

Neil: Avni at this time? What are you doing here?

Avni: Oh sir, don't worry about me?

Neil: Avni first come inside?

Avni: I don't come talk normally with you? I want to know the reason why you are avoiding me?

Neil: He grabbed her hand and close the door...

Avni: Neil i want the reason? Don't touch me?

Neil: Nothing like that... I'm was busy with my work? That why i can't come to see you?

Avni: Don't lie Neil? I know you well? I want the answer...

Neil: No avni this is true?

Avni: She raises her voice higher I want the truth...

Neil: Avni do you love jai?

Avni: What?

Neil: Do you love jai or not?

Avni: she gets angry and catches Neil shirt corner? How can you ask this question to me, Neil? You know that i love you and always i love only you then why did you ask this question?

Neil: He looks on... Because jai loves you... He thought you also love him...

Avni: Are you mad? I can't think that? In London, i just moved as a friend and he thought its love it's not my mistake...

Neil: Avni I'm sorry i asked wrong...

Avni: Throw your sorry on dustbin... Do you know how i miss you and i love you? When i return from London i thought you also have the same feeling as i feel for you, but you have doubted me? Don't show your face again Neil? I hate you.

Neil: Sorry Avni, i did a big mistake... Please forgive me i won't this mistake again... Please avni...

Avni: Neil i said to leave my hand?

Neil: You forgive me i will leave you?

Avni: Neil it is paining? Leave my hand...

Neil: Look i leave your hand... He goes near to avni...

Avni: Don't come close to me, Neil...

( He goes close to avni... Avni struck with wall and Neil very close avni... They both look at each other... She pushes Neil, but Neil catch her and he kisses her )

Avni: She pushes him back? Neil, you are taking advantage of me?

Neil: He smiles... Yes, I do... What you will do?

Avni: Neil I hate you?

Neil: But I love you?

( He grabbed avni hand and lift her in his arms and took her to his room )

Avni: What are you doing Neil? Leave me?

Neil: He leaves her on the floor?

Avni: She shouts ahaa...neil you did this internally...

Neil: Leave your anger Avni... He hugs her tightly... I much you so much... Without you, I feel that I missed something precious... Yes, I accept I didn't ask you that question but please forgive I was confused... But i understand i trust you more...
** I love you avni **

Avni: She got tears in her eyes, Neil i missed you much, when i return from London i was an early wait for you? But you don't attend my call or message you not even come see me? I was totally sad to do you know how much i love you and miss you?

Neil: He wipes her tears... He kisses forehead... I'm sorry...

( She smiles...  They both had a romantic night together... After one month of separation, they both become one now.)

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