** CHAPTER - {16} **

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Avni: Neil...

Neil: Ahaa.

Avni: Neil leaves me... The full night you are going to huge like this...

Neil: Avni you going to London for one month... Do you think about me? How will I stay without your angry and love...

Avni: Neil i will also miss you? But we both can talk by video call?

Neil: Avni don't try to convince me yaar, i won't leave you?

Avni: Okay fine, the full night i will stay with you in your house?

Neil: In my house? Oh actually avni I'm just joking...

Avni: But I'm serious Neil, I will stay at your house?

Neil: No need Avni, you just go to your house and take rest...

Avni: But Neil...

Neil: It's okay i will be fine... Don't think too much... Its already late night I think we should leave...

Avni: Whatever Neil, I'm coming to your house that finale...

Neil: Avni i can't take you to my house?

Avni: Why?

Neil: Avni you won't able to be comfortable?

Avni: I don't want to listen to anything just start your bike we are going to your house?

Neil: What about your mom?

Avni: I handle my mom, don't bother about my mom?

( Neil start his bike and both reach his house )

Avni: Neil it looks like an apartment, you are staying here?

Neil: Ahaa. In the 5th floor, my house is there...

Avni: That so cool yaar...

Neil: He smiles... After seeing my room I don't know how avni will react?

Avni: Neil what are you thinking? come let's go?

Neil: Yes I'm coming...

( They both reach 5th floor, Neil open his door )

Avni: She was totally shocked to see the house his damaged... Neil calls the police I think thief as came inside?

Neil: No avni... No need to call the police? Because my house will be always like this?

Avni: Like what? Neil can't believe you will keep house like dirty...

Neil: What dirty in this?

Avni: Neil just look your house, everything was miss placed... You throw your shoes, shocks, cloth and everything on the floor and you are telling me everything this fine...

Neil: Avni this is bachelor house? so, the house will be this?

Avni: Neil it's a waste of time talking to you? I'm going to prepare for coffee...

( She goes the kitchen...)

Neil: Avni wait doesn't go inside the kitchen...

Avni: When she opens the self door, full of wine and beer bottle... She is totally shocked...

Neil: Avni...

Avni: Neil who will bear and wine bottle on self...

Neil: Avni, it's an empty bottle... I love to collect this bottle...

Avni: What nonsense? Neil now itself to move this bottle from this place...

Neil: Avni there is no place to keep this bottle? Where I will keep?

Avni: I will show you? But tomorrow morning this bottle should be thrown out?

( She looks around... She saw shoes rack and she inform Neil when she opened the rack... Cat jump from the rack... Avni is scared and shouts ahaa...)

Neil: What happen Avni? Why did you shout? 

Avni:  Neil cat?

Neil: My whitey... I missed you so Much, look you scared my avni...

Avni: She looks angrily at Neil?

Neil: Avni doesn't look at me like this? Come, whitey, i will drop your outside...
He opens the window and put the cat on the floor?

Avni: What is this? Whitey?

Neil: Oh, my friend whitey... Always hide in the rack trying to scare me? But this time you got scared...

Avni: Neil i can't believe cat jumping for the cupboard... Look, Neil, i hate cats... So, next, I don't any animals lives inside your house otherwise I won't come here?

Neil: Okay fine...

( After cleaning the house, Neil and Avni spend time with each other... Full night has ruined... But they both are still awake and talking )

Avni: Neil it's time to go?

Neil: Okay, take care... I miss you. He kisses forehead... Bye avni...

Avni: Bye Neil...

( Both are sad and misses each other... Avni goes to London with jai and her staffs... Neil is not able to concentrate on anything without seeing avni... Avni talk to him daily on video call but he is not happy )

( Day by day Neil become more abset and sad without reason he scolds everyone and fights with everyone... )

( Finally, one month passed and Neil get more happy that Avni is returning, he brought a pink color saree to surprise her and he early waiting in the airport to see her)

( Flight landed, Neil came with flowers and avni came out... Neil get happy he shouts Avni, Avni, Avni but she doesn't hear and she Neil without seeing him because of the crowd she can't see him )

Neil: But he runs outside and he shocked see jai is hugging avni... He put flowers on the floor and walk towards jai...

Jai: Neil my friend how are you, man? I missed you so much... He huge him?

Neil: Jai what was that?

Jai: Neil come we can talk in my home I want to say everything?

( Neil went silently and they both reached the house )

Jai: Neil I brought this new model for you have it?

Neil: Jai I don't want this tell me what was that?

Jai: Neil I fall I love with Avni?

Neil: He is totally shocked? What?

Jai: Yes I fall in love with avni... I know we only said that you love avni... But you don't love her...Even avni also Won't Like you... I thought every girl are a cheater but t Avni is different... I like her smile in her voice...

Neil: He gets more anger to stop it jai not a word... What do you know about her? You don't have a right love her? Just stay away from her?

Jai: But why Neil?

Neil: I said stay away... He throws the phone on the floor leaves jai house...

Jai: What happened to this Neil? Why he is behaving like Avni is his girlfriend?

( Avni is calling Neil but he doesn't attend the call, he still angers and thinking about jai words )

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