** CHAPTER - {24} **

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( In the previous part, avni bring neil to the hotel )

( In the morning )

( The sunlight reflect on neil face and him slowly he opens his eyes, he saw Siya was sleeping next to him )

( He wondered where he was... What I'm doing with cutie pie? Which place he this and how did i come here? He is confused... He tries to remember but he can't... )

( Avni came )

Neil: He is shocked to see avni?

Avni: Doctor he is the patient? I did first aid but i want to know whether he is fine or not?

Doctor: He goes near neil and he checks his body and hand?

Avni: Doc is anything serious?

Doctor: Nothing to worry madam he is fine! It's just a small injury he will be cured in 1 week...

Avni: Thanks, doctor!

Neil: He is still in shock and he can't believe his eyes he was with avni...

( After sending doctor )

Avni: She came...

Neil: He runs towards avni and he hugs her tightly...Avni i can't believe you are in front of me... He kisses her forehead and cheeks... I'm sorry avni, I'm sorry...

Avni: Neil stops it... She pushes him... What do you think about me if you say sorry i will forgive you? Do you forget what did you do for me?

Neil: I know i did wrong with you but i did everything for you?

Avni: For me? wow neil, how can you tell like this? I think you are my world and love but in love what did i get only cheating?

Neil: I did a mistake but please don't keep away from you?

Avni: Because of your mistake i suffer more neil? You can return my happiness back tell me neil tell me? You are cheater and liar you are animal neil? You want only money for money you will do anything even you will do anything with me?

Neil: Enough avni, enough... What do you know about me avni? You only half-truth? Do you remember that day in the hotel you heard me and jai conversation? It's was your mom's plan she only blacks mail me?

Avni: In our problem don't interfere with my mom?

Neil: In mom love your eyes are blind? When came to ask your mom, she insulted me and she kidnapped my friend ram? Does she blackmail i won't leave you she will kill him? She is the only head she did this all? I don't know what to do? I don't have a family but ram has a family i sacrifice my love and save his life?

Avni: I won't believe this? Mom can't do this to me?

Neil: This truth... After separated from you? I can't even live without you my friend who help me to join the army and became an army man...

Avni: She falls on the floor with teary eyes... Why mom? Why? Why did you do this to me? I thought neil is wrong and he is innocent and you did this everything?

Siya: She wakes up? Angel... Angel.

Avni: She wipes her tears...

Siya: Angel and she huge her?

Neil: He shocked to see Siya hugging Avni?

Avni: Princess...

Neil: Avni 😱😱😱😱?

Avni: She lifts Siya in her arms... Neil this siya our daughter...

Neil: My daughter?

Avni: Our daughter...

Siya: Magic man...

Neil: She took her in his arms and him huge her cries...

( Siya catch both of them )

Siya: Magic man? Angel, what is the magic man doing here?

Neil: He is still crying?

Avni: Princess, (he gave siya to her) go and get ready we can round Delhi...

Siya: He is an angel...

Avni: Yes go and get ready?

( Siya left and neil looks on )

Neil: Avni how can you do this to me? Do you realize you separated father and daughter?

Avni: Wait for you second, i didn't hide anything for your remember you only left me? After we got separated, my marriage was fixed to jai, on the engagement i fall unconscious and i come to know i was pregnant with your child my mom didn't accept and my child for society and jai he also canceled the marriage... I go to London i work hard and i own an own company and my little princess was born...

Neil: Avni you suffer more because of me? I'm sorry for everything i won't even come in your life and daughter? You are the best mother for my daughter please take care of her from my side give her more love... Hereafter i won't even show my face?

Avni: She was shocked to see neil weird behavior? Before she could say?

Neil: Avni don't tell anything I'm not the correct guy for you are for my daughter should I'm leaving you both forever... And thank for saving my life?

Avni: Neil...

Neil: It's okay avni I'm happy...

( Neil left avni and he took the blame... Because he feels that he is not the right person for her... He already gave more pain in her life and he doesn't want avni to suffer pain for him )

( Will realize her love for neil and she forgive him )

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