In His Arms [8]

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The next few days went by painfully slow. I spent most of my time laying in the hammock in the backyard during the day, and sneaking of to the boardwalk at night. Sadly i hadn't seen Dwayne anywhere. I weaved through shops, in restaurants, near the attractions and on the beach..there was no sign of him or his friends.

¨You scared him¨ Jules piped up from underneath the hammock. ¨Where the hell have you been¨ i chuckled, sipping my tea and turning a page in my book The Handmaid's Tale. ¨I've been around¨ she peered above my book winking ¨Like at that date from hell with your lover boyyyyy¨ She teased pushing my book out of my hands. I sat up and gave her room on the hammock. I may be the only person that can see or touch her, but she deserves comfort too, even if she wasn't real. Some of the best friends are the ones you can't share i guess.

¨It was a nightmare!¨ i laughed tossing the book down and laying back horizontally next to her. ¨I can't believe i took down the waitress with me¨ I covered my face with my hand as she laughed at me.

I felt the tone shift before she muttered ¨He's interested in you¨. That instantly made me perk up
¨What makes you say that?¨

¨I don't know..just the way he was acting..he's interested in something about you..¨

____6 p.m____

After my conversation with Jules i decided to grow some balls and find him. There was no way someone could just disappear unnoticed. I convinced myself to put some effort into my appearance.

I was clad in dark blue jean shorts, a baggy motley crue tshirt that i tucked into my shorts with a black belt. I threw on my black converse and curled my hair, leaving it down. My makeup was simple, as always, but i still had on some concealer and mascara.

I grabbed my skateboard, a small gift from my mom a few years ago, and walked downstairs. My aunt wasn't home, that was the usual now, she was working night shifts at a diner on the far end of the boardwalk. I hurried out the door, locking it behind me. I strolled out of the gate and set my board down on the sidewalk, pushing off as soon as i got my balance.

I wasn't the best at riding, but it was easier and a lot more fun than walking. I followed the sidewalk, shifting my feet to make the small curves. The sun was fading out of the sky, casting a golden light across the whole town. It was beautiful. I kept going steadily, my body aching to get there. I don't know what it was about him, but i needed to see him.

I arrived at the boardwalk entrance a few minutes later, tossing my board behind a dumpster and making my way inside the area. I followed the sound of music booming around me. There were always small concerts on the beach during the summer, my aunt spent most of her life here and even back then it was always busy and crowded. I could feel the music under my feet, like someone knocking on a door. I felt myself drawn to it, almost like a robot, i just kept following the sound until i finally reached the source. The concert was pretty big for a wednesday night, about 100-150 people were lined across the beach and boardwalk steps, singing and dancing along to the music. I made my way through the crowd, pushing my way past the kids and teenagers bobbing with the music. I didn't recognize the band but i still found myself dancing along with the others that surrounded me. I felt the music through my body as i followed in the actions of the others, running my hands through my hair, bouncing to the beat and moving my arms with them. I could feel the sweat across my body but i didn't care, all that mattered was in that moment. And in that moment i forgot all about Dwayne.

¨Are you sure about that¨ Jules voice rang through my ears, stopping me dead in my tracks. I looked around hurriedly, but there was no sign of her. I felt myself panicking, my breathing get heavy and my vision was blurry as tears ran down my face. This happens a lot, but never in public like this.

I SHoved my way out of the crowd, tripping over my feet a few times. I could barely see two feet in front of me. I was panicking. I finally was free of the people as i ran from the music, across the beach, kicking sand behind me as i ran. I have had panic attacks before, and they can get bad, but this felt like i was dying.I ran until i couldn't hear the music, and could only feel the beat beneath me.

I dropped to my knees in the sand, throwing my head in my hands letting out the tears. There was nobody around me but i felt humiliated. I was shaking, trying desperately to rub the tears from my face. I pulled my knees around to my chest, hugging them close as i felt myself start to calm down. My breathing was hitched, but i was breathing.

¨What the fuck was that¨ I muttered to myself, hoping Jules would answer me, but there was nothing. Just the sound of the waves crashing in front of me. I'm not sure how long i sat there, but it was dark and chilly, confusing me because it was summer wasn't it supposed to be hot?

I zoned out, letting my body fall slowly into the sand. It felt warm under me, almost like a blanket. My eyes started to close against my mental plea to stay awake. Sabrina would kill me if she found me asleep on the beach. I didn't have to worry for long though, as i felt my body lift from the sand, the warmth of the sand replaced with leather and body heat. The smell of cologne thick in the air, but not suffocating.

¨Is she okay¨ A male voice asked, a few feet away. I was so mentally exhausted i couldn't even lift my head.

¨I think she passed out. She looked sick at the show¨ Another chimed in, it sounded younger.

¨Love Sick¨ A deeper voice teased, laughing at his own comment. I could feel the motion as we walked away from the water, the sound of the water fading behind us. I could tell i was in a stranger's arms but i only feel..comfortable and safe? I already knew who it was, i could tell by his smell and the way he kept quiet against his teasing friends. SOmehow i wasn't worried at all, i was the most relaxed i think i had ever been. I relaxed in his arms and shit my eyes completely, hugging my arms and letting myself fade off in his arms.

In his Arms.

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