You're a monster [14]

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A//N : I sobbed writing this chapter ❤️ I love you guys !

     The day was like any other, it was 10 p.m and we were all making our way through the crowds, laughing and raising hell. Like usual i was behind Dwayne, my hand lingering on the necklace he had given me a few days prior. It was a leather string, that wrapped around my neck multiple times, with two feather charms on the ends that usually laid right at my cleavage. He explained "Each feather represents one of us, and how free we both our, and the leather ties us together." For someone who doesn't talk much, he was the most romantic person i had ever met, and i hadn't taken the necklace off since he handed it to me.

Me and Dwayne had spent a lot of the past week apart from the boys. We would go out for pizza, see a movie, or just hang out in the cave together, listening to music. It was our thing, and i never felt more close to him than in those moments. We had grew into one person, and he looked out for me. He knew what it was like with Bina, and he made sure to be his best self around her. The other boys, not so much, she wasn't as fond of them. But then again, she hates us all together.

But there we were, 10 p.m, running around like lunatics. But something was different, Dwayne and the boys seemed off to me, it was the first red flag. The second flag was raised when i tried to playfight with Marko, something we did often around the cave, he wasn't in the mood i guess but he had turned to me with the most sinister look on his face and...growled? I don't know what it was but i could tell he was mad at something, i just didn't know if it was me or not. It wasn't the sound that started me, t was when Dwayne pushed me aside, grabbing onto Markos Coat. If it weren't for David standing to my left i would feel right onto the concrete. Dwayne and Marko just stared at each other, nose to nose, but their eyes said something. Something i couldn't even begin to imagine.

The rest of the night went definitely as usual, but there was this tenseness around all of them, so i tried keeping my distance.

It was around 11 now, and me and all four boys were standing to the side of a small crowd of people, listening to a small band play on the sand. I stood beside Dwayne, his arm was draped to his side, not around my waist like we usually stood. I was shifting from side to side with the music, not caring if i stood out among the other four statues. If they wanted to be in a rough mood so be it, i was gonna have fun.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom" I turned around and faced Dwayne, putting on a quirky smile to cover the fact that i had lied through my teeth. He just nodded and his attention went back to the crowd. I did a small shrug and leaned up, pecking his cheek, before practically sprinting away. I made my way to where the bathroom areas were, which were in sight of the boys, and i could see Dwayne's head turn to me a few times, and as soon as he looked back to the beach i bolted. I ran through shops and crowds of people, laughing to myself and looking around trying to hide. In my mind, i was playing hide in seek with the boys, but that was before i knew.

I ran down to the beach and found a clear area away from anyone, it was near a smaller dock, with empty stores lining it. I stopped running and just stood in front of the water, letting the breeze blow my hair back, the sea air filling my nostrils. I was at peace here, but it was taken away all too quickly.

Before i could even register, two extremely strong hands gripped my arms from behind,pulling me back and throwing me on the sand. I landed face-down, sand sticking to part of my left cheek. I quickly turned toward whoever grabbed me, expecting it to be one of the four boys i had left, but it wasn't. I didn't know this man, he was tall, with tan skin and short, cropped dark hair. He seemed older, maybe in his late twenties, but he was terrifying. I couldn't breathe, i couldn't think and i couldn't move. His face wore a grin that made my body shiver, and droplets of sweat formed across my forehead and neck.

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