Im not a vegetarian..I promise [6]

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When i woke up that next morning i had the strangest feeling in my gut. I was nervous, but for what? I had no plans for the day so there was nothing to be nervous about. I had nerves before, but nothing like this. "It's because you know he saw you" Jules piped up from the edge of me bed, causing me to jump, my whole body covered with goosebumps, and my breath hitched in my throat. "Jesus christ Jules" i gasped, grabbing my throat and sitting up to face her. "Can you stop doing that?" I barked at her, rubbing my hand across my face. She gave me a look of surprise, and then anger, realizing i had just snapped at her. She didn't like when i had an attitude, she never has. With that the disappeared off of my bed and out of my sight. "You're going to give me a stroke one day i swear".

I sighed, pushing the covers off myself. As i got up, my body grew instantly freezing, again. I groaned and walked over to my balcony door,peering out into my view of the backyard. It was somewhat big, but it was filled with trees, and a sall swing hung from the branches of a tall oak. I've always wanted a hammock..I backed up, once again pushing the door closed and hooking the latch. It had become a routine at this point, i have to make a note to get it fixed.

I stretched in front of my mirror, pulling my arms all the way above my head and standing on my toes, i examined my body. My short legs made it hard for me to even pretend to be tall, even with heels. My thighs touched a reasonable amount, and my breasts were not as big as the other girls..But i loved my body, every inch of it. I resemble marilyn monroe in a way, and she is an Icon. I relaxed and grabbed my robe off of the bathroom door, making my way into the small room. I turned on the shower, making sure it was steaming before i stripped my clothes away from my body, and stepping in.

I took my time, massaging the soap into my hair, and making sure i washed every crevice of my body. Afterwards, i just stood there. No dancing or singing, i just..stood there. Letting the warm water run down my back. It was the most peaceful feeling in the world.

When i decided that 15 minutes in the shower was enough, i turned the knob, shutting the water off. I out onto my white bath mat, the water drops from my body turning the white into a light shade of grey. I wrapped my long hair into a towel, and wrapped another around my body walking back out into my room and sitting on the edge of my bed. I started thinking about things; SHould i stay here until after summer? The rest of my life? I mean this place did have a sort of homey-type-feel to it, but at the same time i had big dreams. A future in new york, beginning my music career, going big for myself. Would i be stuck here?

I got up from my bed, and searched through my drawers for something simple to wear today. I wanted to look cute, but i didn't want it to look like i was trying. I pulled out a white T-shirt and simple high waisted jean shorts. I tucked the shirt into the shorts and topped it off with a white Cardigan and tan sandals.

I took my hair down and ran my fingers through the wet waves. I decided to leave it down and let it dry in the sun. I only applied lipgloss and mascara for the day, keeping it simple.Finally, i finished everything off with a white braided necklace with a wolf tooth-shaped charm on the end.

I checked myself in the mirror and smiled, i didn't look half bad. I quickly grabbed my purse and threw in some money and my camera. I threw it over my shoulder and swung my door open, bounding down the stairs. Sabrina was in the kitchen making a ate breakfast, considering it was already 3 in the afternoon.

"Did you sleep in too" i questioned waking into the kitchen. She just nodded and continued with her cooking . I guess she was still tired. "Well i'm going to be ate from the boardwalk tonight, i'm going to try looking for a job so don't wait up" i explained, she gave me no answer. I just shrugged and turned on my hees walking out of the kitchen and out the door.

-------7 P.M------
I had spent the past four hours running around the boardwalk, in and out of stores looking for a job. I had managed to grab a few applications that i planned on filling out later. It was starting to get dark and i hadn't planned on going home until around 10 anyways so i still had time to waste.

I continued walking around, the sky quickly darkened and that when all the kids came out of hiding. What was once an empty boardwalk filled with other people eating lunch and shopping quickly turned into a playground for the 'real weirdos'.The term still confuses me. I noticed how hungry i was soon after i saw a pizza shop on a corner. I hadn't eaten all day and i was starving. The boardwalk was crowded but i managed to push my way past the kids and through the door.

The smell instantly made my stomach growl, so i made my way up to the cashier in the front. "Hi how many?" The friendly man asked me. He was tall and lanky with shaggy blonde hair. "Just one" i smiled at him "And what would you like on your pizza?" he was scrubbing things down on anotepad, too busy to notice my nice gesture. "Cheese, mushrooms, and black olives...and no i'm not a vegetarian" i chuckled to myself, causing him to look up and smile at me. "Okay that's going to be $10" he looked up at me once again as i dug through my purse.

Before i could even pull my money out, a deep voice erupted from behind me.. "I've got it" as a $10 bill made its way past my head to the boy. My eyes made my way from the dollar bill to the tense hand, to the leather jacket and dark hair. When i finally met his gaze i felt my face grow hot and my body grew tense.


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