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Val and Jul were having breakfast in bed and the both of them ate in silence. To be honest, they didn't even eat their food more like playing with it. Everything that happened yesterday made them lose their appetite.

Val looked at Jul, she seems to have a lot on her mind; Val reaches out for her hand, "is this goodbye?" Jul looked at Val with her saddest eyes and her first tear was almost at the brink of her eyes, Val grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her to her body, Jul's head is on Val's chest and Val is taking in the smell of Jul's hair. She twirled with Jul's hair and rubbed circle on her back, "I hope I can be your lover in your next lifetime."

Jul looked up to her, "I want to be your lover too... What if you reincarnated as my grandmother, how are we suppose to fall in love?"

"I don't want to be your grandmother hahaha, I want to be your prince charming."

They still showed each other affection, Jul's fist is in Val's hand and she kisses Jul's head; the room is so quiet that Jul can clearly hear Val's heartbeat. "I really like you, you do know that right? I don't want to be sad for me, i'm may not be as perfect as your last partner but I did my best to give you the happiness time of your life. I hope you can understand my decision for breaking up with you, I really do not expect that we will end up like this. How I wish that there's a time machine now, we can always go back to our happier days without anyone interfering our life..."

Val nudged Jul and she suddenly sat up, "I need to tell you something, this might sound absurd but I had a bizarre dream just now before even you were awake. I touched a crystal ball and I traveled back in time to the day that we first met. Is my dream trying to tell us something? Am I going insane? I think I care for you too much that I'm even thinking of how to get you back in my dream..."

"I'm sorry that I didn't ask how are you feeling, you were all about me but I didn't ask about you at all.. You must be pretty shook about it since you were with me, I'm really grateful that you took care of me, without you, I will be at loss... You are not going insane, it's part of the brain simulation, our mind works out the collection of stories and images that we see during the day that's how dreams are created. You are just thinking hard of what happened, that's all."

"It was so real though, I really wish that I have the crystal ball now... the outcome would have been different."

"Hey, you believe in reincarnation right, so do I. I hate to say this but let god do its job now, if we are meant to be in the next lifetime, we will be together. We still can be friends..."

"Yeah friends... right... I don't know if i can do this with you... I really need you as my girlfriend not as friend, i'm really sorry. This really broke my heart too."

Now it's Val's turn to shed tears, she met the right person at the wrong time, is that how love suppose to work? Jul wiped the tears rolling from her cheeks, "I'm really sorry, Val. Te amare por siempre."
The both of them lean their heads towards each other.


spanish translation
Te amare por siempre : i love you forever

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