Chapter Seven: The Genetic Harp

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"In a realm above all Creation , just below the realm of the Creator there existed a race of beings composed of pure light. 

Called the Lumaidi. 

These beings lived in the Solastri forest and were tasked with tending the fruit of the celestial trees. 

It is within this fruit that the Harmonic Abodes grow. The Universe in which we live is one such Abode. The Lumaidi loved all of creation and for eons they helped us to live fulfilling lives of peace and harmony.

There was one Lumaidi above all who was the greatest, the most powerful and wise, his name was LyrAndal. It was decided that he would be the one to speak to those of us who dwelled in the lower realms of the Harmonic Abodes. As we progressed with our societies he would offer us guidance on our path.

And for a thousand years LyrAndal conversed with those who would listen to him. It began with few, but as we learned of ways to live in harmony with one another the number of those who conversed with LyrAndal grew and he became Legendary. It was a very peaceful time for those who dwelled in the Harmonic Abodes. After some time there were others among the Lumaidi that became jealous. They called themselves the Illinliu and they desired one of the Harmonic Abodes as a paradise for themselves. They thought if they could conquer just one Harmonic Abode they would go unnoticed.

But they were wrong.

As they laid siege upon our plain of existence harming and enslaving those who dwelled here the people called out for help. Our freedom was so precious to LyrAndal that he chose to abandon his life in the Solastri realm and fight for us. Many of the Lumaidi followed LyrAndal coming to our aid with a mission to destroy this evil. 

But there was a drawback in coming to this realm, they would have to leave behind most of their power and take physical form. 

LyrAndal accepted these conditions and chose to become a feline warrior big and strong!"

As Reegan was storytelling,  Toido projected a series of holographic images above the people that were sitting down. There were many great displays of holographic images projected from Toido but this was the most prominent and awe inspiring. An animation portraying a great warrior man in feline form was shown transforming from a being of pure light. This being granted the power of transformation to his fellow warriors. 

Sam was very interested in seeing these feline warriors as they had tails, sharp claws and heightened senses. For Sam the characters of Reegan's tale were very encouraging.

"In the darkest hour as the Illinliu unleashed horrible weapons of war, LyrAndal created objects imbued with magical properties derived from the energies of the Solastri realm."

"We Galactics call these objects. . . Relics."

"There are many Relics throughout the Galaxy, some are on display in museums and some are kept secret. . . but most are hidden or lost.

"The power of these objects was what turned the tide of the battle and vanquished the forces of evil. Only LyrAndal can restore the power to the Relics . . . . . . Nobody has heard from him for thousands of years, but it is believed that he's still here somewhere in this very Galaxy!"

Reegan was finished and everyone clapped their hands for Reegan and Toido's performance. The children were all full of smiles and the adults who had asked the many questions were quiet as they contemplated on what they had heard.

Reegan continued as he had something very important to add.

"The legend that I just told you has never before been spoken of on this planet, until now. This is why I came here, I believe the clues to finding LyrAndal are present here in this Solar System! It is my hope that you the people of Earth will now join me on my quest in the search for LyrAndal."

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