Chapter Eight: The Summoning of Adimniss

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Kenneth returned to the testing area where he proceeded to lift the hundred pound weight. The girls clapped and cheered him on thinking he was trying to impress them. But his gaze was on Sam and the Pendant. 

Toido began to notice this and became curious as to why Kenneth was watching Sam with ever increasing anxiety.

Sam was having great fun on the trampoline. He did a flip and then landed on the grass maintaining perfect balance. Little did Sam know that Toido was scanning Sam's physiology and documenting all data. 

Suddenly there was a warning sound coming from Toido's equipment, several anomalies had been detected.

Back at the Campfire Reegan was listening to June who was telling him that his Relic was missing.

"It was my turn to hold the relic . . . . And . . . . . . . And the boys dropped it!" June said. 

The other children were on the ground searching in the grass. Reegan saw this and began to search on the ground as well.

"Found it! It was under the leaves!" June shouted.

Reegan looked at the Relic on the ground, something was different. He became aware of a change in the Relics appearance. It was now gold in color, the gemstones within were a very beautiful blue with a diamond like luster.

"How can this be? Who touched it last?" Reegan asked June. She responded by pointing towards Sam. 

Reegan could only see that it was the direction of the testing grounds she was pointing at, there were several people over there.

June picked up the Relic while Reegan was looking the other way.

The moment she touched it, June began to feel light as air. 

June looked down to see that her feet were inches above the ground. 

She almost fell over but instead her feet ended up above her head as she was still floating above the ground. June began to laugh and giggle very loudly, the other children heard this and turned to see June holding the relic, floating and spinning in the air. They started to crowd around her wanting their turn to hold the Relic with much greater enthusiasm and anticipation than before.

"I wanna float too! oh gimme gimme!" The closest and smallest child said.

But before she could hand the Relic over to the next child, Reegan had grabbed it from June's hands.

"Okay that is enough for one night!" He stated.

Reegan was being serious but the children began to laugh at him as he too started to float above the ground. With a very funny walk like that of an astronaut walking on the moon, he struggled to place the Relic back in the display case. 

"That is very odd!" Reegan said to himself.

He began to ponder the significance of what had just happened when he was interrupted by Toido calling him to come quick.

Andrew was watching from the outskirts of the camp ground, he noticed that Reegan had rushed over to Toido in an urgent manner, Toido presented Reegan with his data pad.

The tablet's display showed what appeared to be a very strong light aura phenomenon occurring around and within Sam.

"This energy is etheric Toido! It's off the charts!" Reegan exclaimed excitedly. 

"Could it be?" Reegan whispered as he turned to look at his Relic in the display case. 

Reegan turned to Toido and began discussing the implications of the data and what had just happened to his Relic. 

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