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I was remembering the day when I met my hubby for first time...💭

A year ago..

I was in final year of my bachelor's, it was our final week of regular classes. I left for my college alone today as my pretty bestie was going to meet me directly at clg.
Lowering my gaze I was walking towards the end of road where my college bus comes to pick me. I had to leave early morning and there's no one seems to be on streets usually .

While walking I felt as if someone is following me. I controlled my urge to look back but it was making me feel like I was going to be kidnapped any moment (my silly brain thinks about unusual things anytime anywhere)

To confirm this I stopped at a point and suddenly a guy taller than me appeared in front of me looking at me from top to bottom as if I was a masterpiece in an exhibition. I felt uncomfortable with it because it was wrong to stand in front of na mahram and let him look at me without objections.

I tried to cross him and move on my way, He said "wait ShazZ! I need to talk to you "
I was shocked to hear my name from a stranger that too my nickname. I was still and He wanted to start his side of conversation in which I was least interested .

ShazZ? How do you know my name? Why are you blocking my way? What do you want? Are you a kidnapper? (I couldn't stop myself to bombard questions)

"Hey relax! I won't kidnap you. You will come to me with your will and wish". He told as if I promised him yesterday about it.

"I don't know how to start or say but I like you since the moment I saw you at your balcony when you were watering the plants. Though you were in hijab I just got a little glance of you and that was enough to decide what I want and Shah nawaz khan gets what he wants " he told proudly.

It took me a moment to register what he just told and I said" What?? I don't even know you and here you are asking me to be your guide to hell by accepting your temporary love offer and it seems you don't have any quality that I want in my partner ". I mentioned him.

Are you out of your mind? Who doesn't know The Shah nawaz khan s/o Tabrez khan MLA from your area.
And how come I don't have the qualifications for your partner? I have all of them. I got the looks, I got the money and status; that's all a girl desires right? Any girl will say yes this kind of proposal in a blink of eye and you got the guts to refuse me??  He explained to me about his possessions.

Okay! you have these many things. Answer me, Don't you fear Allah and his punishment ? If it was a yes then you wouldn't have the courage to block any girl's way. Next Are you regular to your prayers? Do you recite quran everyday ? You got lots of money but do you use it for charity? If your answers are yes then I would be glad.

He just made a face and told, "Hey come on! I am young so I ll enjoy my life now and I have time to do all that things when I won't have anything for fun means when I ll turn old

" Oh really! Mr. Shah Is your tomorrow promised to you by someone ?"

Na guzaar yeh zindagi karne mei haram yeh sonchkar ke kisi din karenge halal..
Kya pata wo din na aaye.. hath se waqt phisal jaye.. Aur dil mei rehjaye tho sirf aur sirf malal.. (via KHAYALAAT)

" You don't know when your time will be up and you need to leave this world then you'll cry but won't be able to make it happen. I would advise you get on the right track before you are pitted in ground, You have al the luxuries of world but do you have peace mind? Think about it before you are rested in peace and the one who left Allah can leave me at any moment. Think about yourself mister" saying this I left from there on my way to college.

She left me dumbfounded then and there with an echo in my mind "Don't you fear Allah Don't you fear Allah?"

Being upset over her refusal I came back home and just laid on my comfy bed... Thinking about my life 💭


What effect she leaves on him.. Let's see in next chapter.. Till then Fe'amanillah. 😇

To be continued...

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