It Was Our Destiny

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Madiha PoV -

Alhamdulillah! Today is really a day filled with lots of fun, as I was chasing my bestie sidra to take my revenge because she stained my  face and my pretty dress with haldi(turmeric). It was sidra's elder sister's wedding function as we were neighbors + bestie's I feel it like my second home I roam here without any fear of being scolded for it .

Nahi bachogi aaj tum sid... Abhi batati hun kisse panga liya hai?
(You won't be spared today sid... Now I ll show you with whom you have messed up with).

Saying this I was chasing sid who was running past 15 mins here and there I was in verge to apply haldi on her. Chasing her I didn't realize we came to lawn where decorations were going on. She swiftly ran and hid behind someone busy with call and whose back was facing me.

Nahi pakad paogi mujhe madiha, haar maanlo apni!
(You won't be able to catch me madiha, accept your defeat).

Saying so, she was giggling. As I couldn't reach her I thought to throw haldi on her but my pretty luck! She ran in a blink of eye and that yellow paste landed on a guy with white shirt because when sid left that guy turned towards me.

I was stunned at my position with my eyes wide open and not knowing what to do I just mumbled a small sorry and ran back inside catching my breath. But those eyes had something mesmerizing, a silly thought crossed my mind. Ignoring it I got myself busy to plan for having my revenge on my pretty bestie and  Later that night at  mehndi function I teased sid to my heart's content for landing me in such situation.

I wrote fahad bhai's name on sara api's hand with mehndi and told.

Khoob khiley apki yeh mehndi ka rang...
Dua karungi aap dono rahe hamesha ek dusre ke sang...
(I wish this mehndi color brightens and you two stay together forever)

To which she blushed and I teased her whole function. Afterwards we had a girls night with lots of fun and chatters as it was Sara appi's(sidra's elder sister) last night as bachelor. She loves me and sidra equally, because of her I don't feel like I am a single child of my parents as  she fulfills my siblings absence. I feel like we are the different flowers of same garden.

Before heading to bed, I asked sid

'Wo ladka kon tha jiski shirt maine kharab kardi'?
( who was that guy whose shirt I stained?)

She told"Oye! Don't you remember zain bhai? My first cousin who use to live with us before his parents demise (who were our paternal uncle and aunt). Since their accident he moved to abroad for higher studies and didn't come back since 6 years. It was ammi's(mother) wish to have him here and attend Sara appi's nikah. After lots of insistence from ammi he came today early morning and you made his day."Saying this she made fun of me .

"Ohh! Haan... Now I remember we were good childhood friends earlier then. That's what I was thinking his eyes were familiar. "I was talking to myself.

"What did you just say? What familiar? "Sid enquired.

No.. Nothing! Let's sleep now... Tomorrow we have lot of work to do.

Okay maddy! Good night sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!

" Dare you call me maddy! You know very well I don't like this pet name at all, then I hit her with a pillow. "

Maddy, Maddy Maddy! There she was hitting me back with her teddy! This crazy bestie of mine... Huh!

I got the idea to make her say sorry ! I started tickling her... One thing to know about my bestie is that she is way ticklish than others. She can't handle it for a minute.

I started tickling her... Now say what you were calling me haa?

No nothing I didn't call you anything madiha.... Plzz stop it... Hahah! I can't take it anymore.

OK! First say... Dear madiha I am sorry! You are so sweet, awesome and I love you so much!

How mean madiha! You are taking advantage of me? Not good , I ll show you later... But for now I am sorry and I love you more than you can ever imagine! Fine now??

I love you too my silly sid.
Its such a blessing to find friends who are equally crazy like you. Alhamdulillah! Thanking Allah, we drifted to sleep and entered our dreamland


Updated after a long time! Hope you enjoyed reading this new story😉


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