We Found Our Day Of Love

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Why can't she understand me the way she used to?

Have we lost our love?

Everyday a new issue... There's not a single day passing when we don't argue... What's wrong with us?

I was lost in myself asking these questions and suddenly I realized my station came. I left the metro train and walked towards my office. At entrance I met my colleague Amjad.

Amjad:Assalamualaikum abeer! Whoah... Always on time... I must say that you are really punctual despite of traveling through metro trains.

Abeer :walekumassalam amjad! Yeah alhamdulillah... I just try to make it happen things on time after finding the one who made me understand the value of time.

Amjad: Looks like my brother is head over heels in love.

Abeer : Maybe! But for now let's get started with our work .

All day I was busy with the files and projects. I need to complete it soon before the deadline, If I could do it on time then In Sha Allah I may get promoted. Saying this I tried to motivate myself and got engrossed in working.


Where did I go wrong with him ?

Why can't he understand me the way he used to?

Will this be the case for ever?

Am I such a bad partner?

I was talking to my lord in dua since I had an argument with abeer today. He should at least try to understand me once in a while. Why everything is changing between us..? Ya Allah.. Please settle everything between us.(aameen) I prayed and slept without having lunch again. Whenever I had an argument with him I don't feel like eating and he barely notices this and it hurts.


So sad is this.. Abeer and Amyra are having hard time.. Let's see how they find their love back in next chapter !

Till then... Fe'amanillah!

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