Chapter Ten: Tiya

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Candillice entered through the large doors alone, It was very dark and all she could see was a long set of stairs before her.  One of the candles was lit on the wall, Candillice took this with her as she walked up the stairs. The walls along this stairway had painted depictions of a strange people, Candillice thought they looked funny because they had no fur. There were also pictures of different shaped buildings and monuments. As she continued up the steps there were more paintings of strange humanoid figures depicted on the walls. Some had beaks and feathers and further up the steps were images of rays of pure light. She followed the depictions of the rays of light until she reached the door up above.

The doors opened as if by themselves and a wind came howling through the stairway from the room above. After the wind had finished howling Candillice could hear a faint humming sound as though someone was singing, a familiar tune, The song of her people she thought.

Candillice entered the room but it was not as she expected. The air was musty and sweet. The walls were covered in vines and windows that looked like they once contained glass were open to the outside. Candillice could see that the vines covered the floor stretching out from all directions of the round shaped room towards the back where a small moss covered statue lay. She walked towards the statue, which appeared to be of a young girl with her eyes closed and a smile on her face. This smile gave Candillice a very peaceful feeling.

"Hello? I am Candillice. Do I to talk to you little statue?" she waited for an answer but received no reply. She looked around the room but she somehow knew that talking to the statue was still her best guess.

"I should probably start by telling you about my dream, err, vision thingy. You see. I was napping on top of the tower in my garden. When a light shined on my face! And I believe it came from the Blue Star. All of a sudden I was dreaming . . .  . but I was awake in this dream. And here is what happened! All of that blue light. . . . it disapeared! . . . . There I was standing in a room that was totally black! But! There was a flame that was burning on the other side!"

Candillice knew she was giving a long winded explanation of her vision. She acted out elements of her story. She stopped to see if anything was happening but there was no response from the statue so she continued.

"I was watching this flame when all these people covered in rags appeared then suddenly triangles burst out of the floor all around me. And then! A dark red figure walked towards the flame scattering it into several smaller flames. I saw several warriors of my people run past me toward the smaller flames. What happened next was the triangles formed what looked like a spiders web and everyone got caught in it. And then another fire appeared!" Candillice said before she paused briefly to catch her breath and think about how horrified she was by the sight of this new fire.

"It was a different kind of fire. . . . . . It was icy blue, felt cold and it frightened me. But then the visions twisted and twirled. They went backwards in time. Back to before the warriors of my people first attacked the flame warriors. And for a brief moment the flame warriors were standing behind me and we were all on fire. And then the room filled with blue light again and that was when. . . . . . . I woke up!" Candillice had finished explaining her vision and stood still watching the statue. She could not see any movement or any indication that anybody in the room was listening to her.

"Is there anyone here listening? Maybe I'm not the one?"

"Or maybe I'm just crazy!"

Candillice said to her self as she turned around to head back down the stairs. But before she could leave a breeze blew through the room that was warm and comforting.

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