I think... 3/3

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9 months pregnant...
Me and Bruce sit down in his study. I am lying on the couch with my hands on my big stomach.
"So how about Terry" he asks. She moves her head side to side.
"Nah" she says.
"Ok for a girl how about Cassandra" he asks.
"To formal" she says. He groans.
"Selina we have been going over names for months now" he says.
"I think when we see our little kitten we will know the name Bruce" she says. He sighs before sitting on the couch next to her.
"Hey kittens kicking" she says. She takes his hand and puts it on her stomach. He smiles. Even though he had felt 'kitten' kicking before it still brought a smile to his face every time.
"Kittens up a little late now aren't they" he says.
"She has been keeping me up late for days now. I've barely got any sleep" she says.
"Well maybe kittens getting ready to come" he says. She raise her eyes brows.
"I hope so I am done being Pregnant" she says. He smiles.
"I'm just excited to meet them" he says. She smiles and puts her hands on his.
"You get some sleep ok" he says. She nods her head before closing her eyes. Bruce grabs a blanket and puts it over her. He kisses her head before lying in the other couch and sleeping.

Over the pregnancy Bruce and Selina have gotten closer but they have said that they would figure what is going on between them after 'kitten' is born. Selina and Bruce have decided to have a home birth instead of the hospital at Selina's request. Alfred was at the ready as the time got closer with lee on speed dial. Everyone was on their toes as the time came closer.

Selina wakes up and sees Bruce sleeping in the couch next to her. She looks at the clock on the wall and sees that it is 3 in the morning. She suddenly feels a sharp pain go down her body. She puts her head in her arms and breathes out. She lies for a moment before it stops.
Selina closes her eyes and goes back to sleep. 3 minutes later the pain goes through her body again. She groans and breathes in and out. She lies there for an hour with the pains going through her body. She grabs a book that was lying on the coffee table and chucks it at Bruce. He sits up and groans.
"What was that for" he groans.
"Will you shut up and help me. I think kitten is ready to come" she says. Bruce shoots up and kneels next to her.
"What do you mean how long have you been having the pains" he says.
"I did what Lee told us count them for an hour and if they are regular then call. They are 3 minutes apart but they are getting closer together" she says. He holds her hand.
"Ok I'm going to get Alfred ok" he says. She nods before he gets up and runs out of the study.
Bruce runs down the hall and into Alfred room.
"Alfred" he says. Alfred wakes up and gives him a confused look.
"What is it Master Bruce" he asks.
"Selina's In labour" he says. Alfred shoots up.
"What ok I'm going to call lee go back to selina and get ready" he says. Bruce nods before running back to selina.
He runs in and sees her holding onto the sides of the couch. He walks over and puts his hand on her back.
"Alfred is calling Lee now ok" he says rubbing her back. She nods. She turns around and looks at him. He smiles at her and puts his hand on her cheek.
"We've got this" he says.
"You've got this" he says. Alfred runs into the room.
"Miss Kyle. Dr Tompkins will be here in 20 minutes so I'm going to get the birthing pool ready for you ok" he says. She nods.

After a few minutes lee shows up.
"How long are the contractions apart" she asks.
"2-3 minutes" Selina tells her.
"Ok well we're going to have to get you in the pool now ok" Lee says. Selina nods.
Selina gets changed into her bikini minus the bottoms and gets into the pool. Bruce sits at the side of the pool and holds her hand.
"Not to long left" he says. She nods as she rest her head on the side of the birthing pool.

After an hour of sitting in the pool alley checks.
"Ok Selina I can feel the head so I'm going to see you to push" she says. Selina nods as she holds on Bruce and Alfred hands.
"Ok 1...2...3" she says. Selina buckles down and pushes.
After an hour the baby is almost here.
"Ok one more push 1,2,3" she says. Selina pushes. Tears going down her face. She leans back when she feels a relief. She sees Lee takes the baby out of the water and she hears it cry.
"It's a girl" she says. Selina cries and holds onto Bruce. Both of them have tears going down their faces. Bruce rests his head on her.
"You did it Babe" he says. Lee cuts the umbilical cord and passes her to selina. She rest her on Selina cheats and Selina rest her head on hers.
"Well done Miss Kyle" Alfred says. Bruce puts his hand on his daughters back.
"She's perfect" he says.
"We'll give you a moment" Lee says. Her and Alfred walk out of the room. Bruce leans over the pool and strokes her face.
"What are we going to name her" he asks.
"I was thinking Helena Martha Wayne" she says. Bruce looks at her and smiles.
"Our little Helena" he says. She smiles.
"Selina I know this is not the most ideal time but I just wanted to say I love you" he says. She smiles.
"I love you to" she says. He leans forward and kisses her. They rest their heads on one another before turning back to their daughter.

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