Every time bruce found out selina was pregnant

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Damien- born when Bat-cat was 18
Selina jumps into the window which lead to the study. She looks around and sees Bruce sitting in his desk chair.
"Selina What are you doing here" he asks walking over to her.
"I need to tell you something" she says.
"You can tell me anything I know we haven't seen each other since..." he says before Selina cuts him off.
"I'm pregnant" she says looking at him. His eyes go wide.
"Your What" he stutters.
"Pregnant do I need to sugar coat it for you" she says. He sits down.
"Your pregnant" he says. She groans.
"Yes I am Bruce ok and your the father" she says. He puts his head in his hands. After a minute he speaks.
"Ok... ok we are going to do this" he says looking at her. She raises her eyebrow.
"Really" she asks. He nods and stands up and takes her hands.
"That night meant everything to me. And now that your pregnant I hope you know I love you" he says. She looks down. Bruce takes her chin and brings his lips to hers.
Timothy and Richard- born when batcat was 20
Selina has been getting sick the past few days. She thinks it's just a stomach bug that Bruce and Damien both had. Even Alfred had it and Alfred never gets sick. She has a feeling that she is pregnant so she goes and gets a pregnancy test.
She walks into her and Bruce's bathroom and takes the test. She looks at it and sees the one word.
Selina smiles to herself. she and Bruce had not been planning to have a baby yet but she was happy.
Selina walks into Bruce's office and sees him doing some paper work.
"Hey you ok" he asks as he sees her hands behind her back. Selina smirks at him before pulling the test out from behind her back and puts it on the table. Bruce picks up the test and looks at her.
"Really" he asks. She nods. He gets up and runs over to her and lifts her up and twirls around. She laughs. He puts her down.
"We're going to have another baby" he says. She nods. He smirks before kissing her.
Jason- born when batcat was batcat was 22
Bruce sits in his office. He had been really stressed out with work lately. He had barely anytime to spend with Selina or the kids.
Bruce wakes up to the sound of someone vomiting. He gets up and runs into the bathroom. He sees Selina hunched over the toilet getting sick. He runs over and pulls her hair back and rubs her back.
"Hey it's ok" he says. She throws up again before sitting up. She looks over at him.
"Babe there is something I need to tell you" she says. He shakes his head.
"Don't I know what your going to say... your pregnant aren't you" he says. She raises an eyebrow.
"How did you" she asks. He chuckles.
"Honey I have know you since I was 13 and anyone can tell you have been eating pickle and peanut butter sandwiches anyone can tell" he says. She laughs.
"Your happy" she asks. He smiles at her.
"Selina I want the biggest family with you ok because I love you" he says. She smiles before kissing him.
"I love you to" she says.
Terry- born when batcat was 24
Bruce walks into the bedroom and sees Selina looking at something.
"Babe What are you holding" he asks. She looks up at him and smiles at him. She holds up the test and smiles at him. He smirks at her before walking over and kissing her.
"I love you" he says.
Cassandra and Helena- born when batcat was 26
Selina and Bruce sit on their bed and wait for the test to be done.
"What do you want it to be" she asks looking at her husband. He smiles at her.
"I want it to be positive we have been trying for 3 months. I know we have the boys but I want some daughters so I can walk them down the isle" he says. She smiles at him. The timer goes off and Selina picks up the test.
"What does it say" he asks. She smirks at him.
"Congrats babe you might have those daughters you want" she says. He smirks before hugging her and they fall back on the bed. She laughs.
"I love you" she says.
"I love you to" he says.
Olivia- born when batcat was 28
Bruce sits at the table with his kids.
"Dad has mom told you" Damien asks his dad.
"Told me what bud" he asks.
"That mommy is pregnant" Jason says. The rest of the kids nod. Their dad drops his fork.
"Seriously" he says. They nod again. He smirks.
Mason- born when batcat was 30
Bruce and Selina had decided to spend the weekend away as a celebration of their wedding anniversary as well as Bruce's birthday which was the day after their anniversary. They had decided to go camping which is what Bruce would do when he was younger.
Selina and Bruce look up at the night sky as they lie on the blanket.
"Babe can I tell you something" she says turning to her husband of 10 years.
"What" he asks.
"I'm pregnant" she says. He sits up.
"Really" he says. She nods. He laughs and hugs her.
"Best anniversary and birthday present" he says.
Olive- born when batcat was 32
The Wayne family was sitting eating there dinner. Selina clears her voice.
"Kids I have something to tell you" she says. Bruce and the kids turn and looks at the mother of 9.
"Your pregnant again aren't you" Timothy says. She smiles. Bruce stops his knife and fork and hugs her. The kids start to cheer before jumping on their parents.
Amelia- born when batcat was 34
Bruce Wayne sits in his office in Wayne enterprises. There is a knock at his door.
"Come in" he says. His assistant comes in holding some newspapers.
"Mr Wayne there is something I think you should see this" she says putting the newspaper down.
Bruce Wayne's wife pregnant with 11th child.
It read. Bruce stands up and runs out of his office. He runs down to the reception and sees his wife standing there. He walks over to her.
"Is it true" he says. She smiles and nods. He smirks before kissing her.
Sophia- born when batcat was 36
Alfred walks into Bruce's office and sees Bruce sitting at his desk.
"I believe that Congratulations are in order sir" he says. Bruce looks up at him in confusion.
"What do I need to be congratulated on Alfred" he asks.
"Selina is pregnant again" he says. Selina stands in the doorway. Bruce looks at his wife of 16 years.
"Are you" he says. She sighs.
"I just came to tell you" she says. He walks over to her and kisses her.
"I love you" he says. She smiles at him.
"Me too" she says.
Let me just say coming up with different ways for Bruce to find out selina was pregnant was hard.
Sorry for it being bad.
Remember to comment ideas.

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