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3 years later...
I sit in the back of the car in between the two kids. Barbra sits at the front driving the car. It has been 3 years since I left gotham. We found a way out of gotham. We found out that Jeremiah is dead and that the government has sorted the place out. The river isn't polluted anymore and the bridge is back to normal. All of the crime is sorted out and everyone has returned to gotham.
Me and Barbra escaped after getting Oswald to tell us the way out and then we had our babies. Me and her had them the same day though Helena is older by 5 minutes. Me and her got a apartment and have been raising them since.
Barbra had a girl and named her Barbra though we call her Barbs.
Older Barbra is Babs. I had a baby girl names Helena and I would be lying if I said she looked more like Bruce then me. Though Barbs looks like Barbra more than Jim. We have come back to gotham as business wasn't going well so we are reopening the sirens club.

Barbra pulls up to the apartment complex. It is her apartment that she had before we left. She stops the car and gets out. She opens the door and grabs barbs. I get out of the car and go around and get Helena out. Me and Barbra walk up and into the apartment. It was just like it was when we left. She walks over and sits on the couch with Barbs.
"This is our new home" I coo and Helena.
"We are going to need to go get something's for the girls. We are going to need to get some food as well. So I will go and get them some toddler beds and you go to the grocery store and get some food" she says.
"Ok" I say. She hands me $200.
"Ok ring me when you are going to be back" she says. I nod and walk out the door with Helena in my arms.

I walk into the grocery store and get a trolly and walk over and start getting some food. I walk down and isle and grab some food.
"Miss Kyle" I hear a voice say. I turn and see Alfred. I give him a small smile.
"Hey Alfred" I say.
"Never saw you as a mothering type" he says.
"Yeah never did I but things happen" I say.
"How about me and you go for a coffee after this I want to catch up" he says. I nod.
"Sure" I say.

Me and Alfred sit in a coffee shop. He looks at me while I cut up a banana for Helena.
"So what happened to you. You kind of just left" he says.
"Yeah me and Barbra left as we where both pregnant we knew that living in Gotham wasn't safe. Oswald knee a way off of the island so we got him to tell us and then we got out and had the girls and raised them" I say.
"Miss Kean had a baby to" he asks in shock.
"Yeah. She named her Barbra but we call her Barbs" i say giving Helena a bit of banana.
"So I assume she had it with James Gordon" he says. I nod my head.
"And Helena is with Master Bruce" he says. I look down.
"I wanted to tell him. I did but I was 18 and scared I don't know what to do Alfred. I didn't want to be a mom because I was scared of being like my mom. I knew that him never knowing was the best option and now that he is back I want him to be apart of Helena life I'm just scared that he will hate me" I say looking down. Alfred sighs.
"Miss Kyle Master Bruce could never hate you. After Jeremiah was killed her spend every minute looking for you. When he realised that you had gone he cried every night for you to just be with him. He told me what happened between you two and I knew that you being pregnant was an possibility. Bruce goes out every night getting the crime rate down and in the process he is looking for you. Miss Kyle he won't hate you he will just be so happy and relieved that he had found you. He will be so happy that he is a dad and he will never want to let either of you go" he says. I whip a tear away.
"Thanks alfred" I say. He smiles and takes my hand.
"He loves you and you love him. Don't be afraid to show it" he says. I nod.
"Well I will go and talk to him tomorrow. But for now I have to get going or Barbra is going to be complaining if I'm not back with the food in time for dinner" she says. Alfred nods.
"Bruce works at the GCPD now and should be there most of the day so you can find him there" he says. I nod. I pick up Helena and put her on my hip.
"See you later Alfred" I say. I walk a little.
"Says bye. Say bye" I coo as me and Helena walk past. Alfred smiles before me and Helena walk out.

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